Warm your Soul with This Delicious Irish Stew Recipe

Hark! Hear ye, hear ye! I present to thee a recipe so divine, so hearty, and so utterly satisfying that thou shalt crave it at all hours. Introducing the traditional Irish Stew that shall keep thee warm and fed throughout the chills of winter, with mouthfuls of tender meat and savory vegetables.

Rejoice, ye cooks of all skill levels! This stew is crafted to braise slowly in a slow-cooker, requiring minimal effort yet yielding tremendous flavor. It’s a perfect fit for folks following the Weight Watchers plan while craving comfort food.

This traditional Irish stew is an ode to humble roots and a bygone era. With each bite, thou feel transported back to bucolic Ireland where family recipes were passed down with care. It’s a reminder that often the simplest ingredients are the most cherished.

With hues of green from the turnips, parsnips and carrots melding together in harmony with each other, this stew boasts the purrfect balance of protein and delicious veggies. The savory broth seasoned with bay leaves and pepper adds a delightful depth of flavor that will make thy taste buds sing!

So gather thy ingredients, ready thy slow-cooker or crockpot, pour some Guinness, grab a spoon and let’s embark on this delectable journey to savoury satisfaction together.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Irish Stew (Crockpot and WW)
Irish Stew (Crockpot and WW)

Oh hear me, food lovers, for I have a recipe that will leave you begging for more. This is not just any ordinary dish – this is the legendary Irish Stew, made with love and care in a slow-cooker. The very words ‘Irish stew’ evoke images of homespun coziness, warmth and flavor – this version is guaranteed to do that and much more.

Why will you love this recipe, you may ask? For starters, it’s a wonderful fusion of healthy and wholesome ingredients that will nourish your body and soul alike. Lean cuts of boneless leg lamb or beef are trimmed of fat and cut into tender 1-inch cubes. Carrots, turnips, parsnips and celery stalks are peeled and sliced into bite-sized pieces. Small red potatoes are halved, creating savory bites which are perfect accompaniments to the meaty wonder.

The main difference between this Irish stew and other stews is the addition of Guinness beer or whiskey that adds a unique depth of flavor not found in other stews. The recipe uses beef broth to add richness and depth to the flavor.

If you’re watching your calorie intake or following the Weight Watcher’s program, fret not! This stew recipe contains all the comforts of a traditional Irish Stew while staying true to lean proteins and low-calorie requirements. And let’s not forget the fact that it’s prepared in a slow-cooker, promising juicy bites every time.

So why settle for bland options when you can savor deliciousness with every spoonful? Try out this hearty Irish Stew today, perfect for cold winter nights or even for St.Patrick’s day celebrations- A bowl of Irish comfort potage waits for thee!

Ingredient List

 A piping hot bowl of comfort in the form of an Irish stew.
A piping hot bowl of comfort in the form of an Irish stew.

Before we begin, make sure you have all the ingredients needed to make this delicious Irish stew.

  • 2 pounds boneless leg of lamb, trimmed and cut into 1-inch cubes
  • 2 pounds lean beef, cut into 1-inch cubes
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Cooking spray
  • 8 small red potatoes, halved
  • 2 cups carrots, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks
  • 2 parsnips, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks
  • 2 turnips, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks
  • 1 onion, cut into chunks
  • 4 stalks celery, diced
  • 2 cups beef broth
  • 1 cup whiskey
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Fresh parsley for garnish

Make sure to use high-quality ingredients for optimal flavor. It is also important to use boneless leg of lamb and lean beef for a healthier twist on the traditional Irish stew recipe.

The Recipe How-To

 A hearty and healthy meal that will keep you full for hours.
A hearty and healthy meal that will keep you full for hours.

Step 1: Prepare the Meat

Cut 2 pounds of boneless leg lamb into 1 inch cubes or use lean beef as a substitute. Make sure that the fat is trimmed and cut into uniform pieces to ensure they cook evenly. Brown the meat in a skillet over medium-high heat, seasoned with pepper and salt to taste.

Step 2: Prep the Vegetables

While the meat is browning, prepare approximately 8 small red potatoes by halving them then setting them aside. Peel and chop 2 cups of carrots, peel and chop 2 cups of parsnips, and peel and chop 1 turnip into cubes about the same size as your potato halves. Cut up one onion roughly into chunks.

Step 3: Combine Ingredients

In your crockpot, pour in 2 cups of beef broth and add a splash of whiskey, which is optional but traditional in Irish stew. Toss in a bay leaf for extra flavor before adding all vegetables.

Once the meat is browned enough, transfer it a plate that’s lined with paper towels to absorb some oil if available. Be sure to scrape up any browned bits leftover from cooking the meat into the beef broth mixture; these will add great depth of flavor to your stew.

Add meat to crockpot mixture, stirring ingredients together with a wooden spoon until everything’s incorporated.

Step 4: Slow Cook

Set your slow cooker to high and let it cook for around 6 hours or on low for 8-10 hours until ingredients are tender. Don’t forget to sample it before serving and adjusting seasonings as needed.

Once done, discard bay leaf, sprinkle with some fresh chopped parsley before serving piping hot.

Substitutions and Variations

 The perfect dinner option for a cold and rainy day.
The perfect dinner option for a cold and rainy day.

Oh, what wondrous possibilities lie in this Irish Stew recipe! For those who yearn for creativity and crave experimentation in the culinary arts, there are a range of substitutions and variations you may apply to this traditional dish that can add diverse flavors and new dimensions to your feasts. Allow me to elaborate:

Firstly, while lamb is the traditional meat used in Irish Stew, you may also substitute it with beef stew cuts, especially chuck roast or lean beef. Do take note that the main difference between beef stew and Irish stew lies in the latter’s use of whiskey or Guinness stew flavorings – this can be easily rectified by adding either one to the substitution.

For the vegetables, you may also switch up the standard root vegetables of carrots, turnip and parsnips with other hearty veggies like sweet potatoes or butternut squash. If desired, add some green into the mix with chopped stalks of celery or sprinkle some freshly chopped parsley over the top before serving.

Finally, those who seek a low-calorie option could swap out beef broth with low sodium chicken broth or even water. But if you’re a traditionalist at heart, then go ahead and stick to the tried-and-true method – nothing beats a comforting bowl of Irish Stew on a cold winter’s night.

Serving and Pairing

 The ultimate comfort food that's easy to make in a crockpot.
The ultimate comfort food that’s easy to make in a crockpot.

Oh, my dear patrons and epicureans! The sizzling flavors of Irish Stew are ready to blow away your taste buds with an explosion of mouth-watering goodness. And let me tell you, serving this dish feels no less than a royal feast.

To enjoy the ultimate satisfaction from this dish, I highly recommend that you serve it with some traditional Irish potatoes – boiled or mashed – on the side. And if you’re feeling adventurous, go ahead and add some cabbage or soda bread to complete the Irish experience.

Oh, and don’t forget to add a few sprigs of fresh parsley. This not only enhances the flavor but also makes it a feast for the eyes.

Looking for pairing suggestions? Well, a classic Guinness stout is the perfect beverage to accompany this hearty dish. The smooth roasted flavor and malty aroma of Guinness perfectly complement the rich and savory taste of our Irish stew.

But if beer is not your cup of tea, then I suggest trying out a glass of whiskey. Choose a traditional Irish whiskey from your bar cabinet so that it doesn’t deviate from our theme. The sweetness and smokiness of whiskey will make it a great pairing option for those who love their drinks a bit stronger.

So sit back, relax and enjoy your meal! After all, nothing beats enjoying a hearty meal with good company and pleasing music in the background!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 The aroma of tender beef and aromatic herbs fills the house.
The aroma of tender beef and aromatic herbs fills the house.

Ah, harken ye to these wise words, for they shall ensure a feast of great repute! In the realms of culinary arts, much like in matters of the heart, it is said that patience begets beauty. Such is true for this Irish Stew – let it simmer unto perfection, dear friends.

With that being said, mayhap thou art in need of preparing this stew ahead of time; fret not, for I shall guide thee through this process. Once the Irish Stew hath been cooked and cooled down to room temperature, you may store it in the refrigerator overnight. Alternatively, thou may freeze it in smaller portions for another day.

When thou art ready to partake in this feast once more, I suggest that thou reheat the stew slowly over medium heat. Tis important to note that if smitten with an ailment known as impatience, reheating over high heat could lead to tough meat and overcooked vegetables.

Remember to add some extra broth or water into the pot whilst reheating. I find thee leftovers more savoury than the first go-around; a satisfactory meal to warm thy heart on any chill day.

Take heed of these words and tarry not! Thy tastebuds shall thank thee for preserving such a remarkable dish for times to come.

Tips for Perfect Results

 A meal that will transport you straight to the Irish countryside.
A meal that will transport you straight to the Irish countryside.

As a chef specializing in British cuisine, I have spent years perfecting my Irish Stew recipe. From slow cooking to the perfect ingredient ratios, here are some tips to ensure that your Irish Stew comes out just as flavorful and delicious as mine.

1. Choose Your Meat Wisely

The meat is the main ingredient of any stew, and Irish Stew is no exception. For the best results, use boneless leg of lamb trimmed of fat or lean beef chuck roast cut into 1-inch cubes. These cuts of meat hold up well to long simmering times and add a rich flavor to the stew.

2. Brown Your Meat

Before adding your meat to the crockpot, take the time to brown it in a pan first. Browning adds depth to the flavor and helps tenderize the meat. Don’t skip this step!

3. Cut Your Vegetables in Uniform Sizes

To make sure that all the vegetables cook evenly and at the same pace, it’s important to cut them in uniform sizes. I recommend cutting your carrots, turnips, parsnips, and red potatoes into 1-inch chunks.

4. Add the Right Amount of Liquid

When making stew, you want just enough liquid to cover all of your ingredients. Use 2 cups of beef broth for every 2 pounds of meat you use as a general rule.

5. Don’t Overseason

Irish Stew is known for its simple yet hearty flavors – don’t spoil it by over-seasoning! Use moderate amounts of salt, black pepper, bay leaf and parsley according to YOUR taste preference.

6. Incorporate Some Whiskey or Guinness for an Authentic Flavor

For traditional Irish Stew recipe lovers out there consider adding the following secret ingredients: A splash of whiskey or half a bottle of Guinness beer will give an authentic Irish touch to your dish!

7. Let it Simmer On Low Heat

Great things come to those who wait and stew is no exception. Slow cooking your Irish Stew on low heat for 8 hours will let flavors get to know each other, resulting in a more delicious dish.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Irish Stew turns out perfect every time. Give this recipe a try and taste the difference for yourself.


To ensure that your Irish Stew turns out perfectly, I have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions to address any concerns or queries you might have when cooking with a slow cooker. Keep reading to find out more about ingredients, cooking temperatures, and storage tips.

What is the difference between stew and Irish stew?

While both beef stew and Irish stew are hearty, warm and filling dishes, they differ in their broth and meat selection. Typically, beef stew is made with cubed beef, such as stew meat or chuck roast, while Irish stew features mutton or lamb and a thick, flavorful beer based broth.

What is the difference between Irish stew and Mulligan stew?

When it comes to stew dishes, there are some variations depending on the type of meat used. For instance, Irish stew is traditionally made with lamb or mutton, while Mulligan stew involves beef as its main ingredient. Additionally, Mulligan stew often includes various vegetables, allowing for a more versatile recipe that can be customized based on the ingredients available.

Which ingredients do you need for an Irish stew?

Although some may argue that a legitimate Irish stew solely comprises mutton, onions, and potatoes, the truth is that a mix of other vegetables such as celery, parsnips, carrots, turnips, cabbage, kale, leeks, and swedes are all conventional and acceptable ingredients found in an authentic Irish stew.

What is the best cut of meat for a slow cooker stew?

When it comes to choosing a cut of beef for cooking, the chuck roast is an excellent option. This cut is highly favored due to its abundant connective tissue, which gives it a delectably tender texture. Additionally, chuck roasts tend to be more economical than other cuts, making them a smart choice for any budget-conscious chef.

Bottom Line

the Article:

In conclusion, this Irish Stew recipe is a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for any occasion. Whether you are cooking for your family or hosting a dinner party, it is guaranteed to please everyone’s taste buds.

With a delicious blend of beef or lamb, carrots, turnips, and potatoes, this stew provides an explosion of flavor in every bite. Plus, with the added benefit of being a weight watchers-friendly recipe, you can indulge in all the goodness without feeling guilty.

So whether you are an experienced chef or just learning your way around the kitchen, give this Irish Stew recipe a try. It’s simple to prepare and sure to impress. And who knows – you might just discover your new go-to comfort food for those cold winter nights.

So why wait? Head to the grocery store now and pick up the ingredients needed to experience the culinary delight that is Irish Stew!

Irish Stew (Crockpot and WW)

Irish Stew (Crockpot and WW) Recipe

This was really good - 8 points plus/serving for 2 cups of stew
Course Main Course
Cuisine Irish
Keyword Lamb/Sheep, Meat, Stew, Vegetable, Weeknight
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 8 hours
Calories 348.9kcal


  • 2 cups beef broth
  • 2 lbs lamb, boneless and cut into I inch chunks (I used the lamb stew meal that is also in pieces)
  • 8 small red potatoes, halved
  • 2 cups white pearl onions, peeled
  • 2 parsnips, quartered lengthwise and cut into chunks
  • 3 carrots, cut into chunks
  • 1 turnip, cut into thin wedges
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 cups frozen peas, thawed
  • 1/4 cup parsley, chopped


  • Set aside 2 T broth in a cup.
  • Mix remaining broth ad the next 9 ingredients (lamb - pepper) in a slow cooker. Cover and cook on lo for 8 hours or 4hours on high.
  • 30 minutes before cooking time is up, whisk reserved broth and flour in a cup until smooth. Whisk in 1/4 cup of the hot stew liquid into the flour/broth mixture and then add to stew in slow cooker. Cover and cook on high for 30 minutes.
  • Discard bay leaf and stir in peas and parsley.


Serving: 406g | Calories: 348.9kcal | Carbohydrates: 38.7g | Protein: 22.4g | Fat: 11.9g | Saturated Fat: 4.8g | Cholesterol: 60mg | Sodium: 509mg | Fiber: 6.1g | Sugar: 7.2g

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