Deliciously Rich Black Walnut Pound Cake Recipe

Hey there! Are you in the mood for a delicious and mouth-watering dessert that will satisfy your sweet tooth? Look no further than my black walnut pound cake recipe.

I’m a British chef and I have to say that this recipe is the perfect representation of classic British cuisine – rich, buttery, and full of flavor. This tasty treat is ideal any time of day, and it’s perfect for breakfast or as an after-dinner dessert.

This delicious cake is a family recipe passed down from my mom, who is known for her incredible baking skills. She named it “Mom McGee Black Walnut Pound Cake” after herself, and it’s become a staple in our family gatherings. So, whether you’re hosting a dinner party or just looking for something sweet to treat yourself with over the weekend, Mom McGee’s Black Walnut Pound Cake recipe is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

So what are you waiting for? Follow along with me as I guide you through the process of creating this delectable cake. You won’t be disappointed!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Black Walnut Pound Cake
Black Walnut Pound Cake

Are you looking for a go-to dessert recipe that is sure to impress any of your guests? Look no further, because my Black Walnut Pound Cake recipe is the perfect dessert for any occasion.

First off, let’s talk about the flavor. The combination of black walnuts, vanilla, and butter in this recipe gives it a rich, nutty taste that will make your taste buds dance with joy. Plus, the pound cake texture is moist and dense without being too heavy. Trust me, one slice won’t be enough!

Another reason you’ll love this recipe is how easy it is to make. With only 10 ingredients on the list, most of which you’ll already have in your kitchen, this recipe doesn’t require any special equipment or complicated techniques. And if you’re worried about baking times or temperatures, fear not: my detailed how-to instructions will guide you through every step of the process.

But what really sets this cake apart is its versatility. You can enjoy it on its own with a cup of coffee or tea for breakfast or as an afternoon snack. Warm up a slice and serve it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a show-stopping dessert at dinner parties. Or whip up some frosting and turn it into an elegant layer cake that will impress even the most discerning guests.

In short, this Black Walnut Pound Cake recipe is perfect for anyone who loves delicious food and wants to impress their friends and family without spending hours in the kitchen. It’s tasty, easy to make, and versatile enough to suit any occasion. So why not give it a try? I promise you won’t regret it!

Ingredient List

Sure, here are 11 creative photo captions for the Black Walnut Pound Cake recipe:
Sure, here are 11 creative photo captions for the Black Walnut Pound Cake recipe:

Let’s talk about the ingredients that you will need to make this delicious black walnut pound cake.

Here is what you’ll need:

  • 1 cup of unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup of shortening
  • 3 cups of sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • 3 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 2 cups of black walnuts, chopped

Make sure to have all of these ingredients on hand before you begin making the cake. You don’t want to be in the middle of baking and realize that you’re missing a key ingredient!

The Recipe How-To

Now that we have gone through the list of ingredients for our delicious Black Walnut Pound Cake, it’s time to learn how to make it! This recipe may seem a bit complicated, but trust me, the effort will be worth it once you taste the final result.

Step 1: Preheat and Prepare

Preheat your oven to 325°F. Grease and flour a tube pan or a Bundt pan. If you have old-fashioned black iron or cast aluminum pans, use them for best results.

Step 2: Mix and Beat Butter and Sugar

In a large bowl, cream together 1 cup of butter softened and 3 cups of sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.

Step 3: Combine Dry Ingredients

In a separate bowl, sift together 3 cups of all-purpose flour with 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Gradually add the wet mixture into dry ingredients while alternating with milk until everything is well blended.

Step 4: Add in Black Walnuts

Stir in 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract before gradually mixing in 1 cup of black walnuts

Step 5: Bake your Black Walnut Pound Cake

Pour your batter into your greased pan, spreading it evenly. Place the pan set into the preheated oven and bake for about 90 minutes –or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

Step 6: Let it Cool

Take your black walnut pound cake out of the oven and let it rest for about ten minutes before slicing pieces. You can add whipped cream on top if you like, making for an excellent final touch.

That’s how you make my version of the classic Walnut Pound Cake recipe with some added flavor from black walnuts. This dessert recipe is perfect for those family gatherings or as a simple gift to someone who enjoys baked goods sentiment.

Substitutions and Variations

 The rich aroma of toasted walnuts will make your kitchen feel warm and inviting.
The rich aroma of toasted walnuts will make your kitchen feel warm and inviting.

Are you looking to switch things up a bit and add your own personal touch to this delicious black walnut pound cake recipe? Well, there are a few substitutions and variations that you may want to consider:

– Nuts: If you can’t find black walnuts, feel free to substitute them with regular walnuts, pecans or even almonds. Any of these nuts would add extra crunch and flavor to the cake.

– Flour: While all-purpose flour is used in this recipe, you can try swapping it for cake flour or self-rising flour. These types of flour will make the cake lighter and fluffier.

– Sugar: If you prefer your cake less sweet, try cutting down the sugar by a half cup or so. You can also swap out white sugar for brown sugar as it will give the cake a more caramelized flavor.

– Butter: Instead of using all butter in this recipe, you can substitute half with cream cheese or sour cream. This adds a tangy taste to the cake, making it a bit more interesting.

– Add-ins: While black walnut pound cake is delicious on its own, why not make it even more irresistible by adding some dried fruits or chocolate chips to the batter? Or perhaps drizzle some caramel sauce over it before serving?

By experimenting with these substitutions and variations, you could be surprised at how creative and delicious your pound cake can turn out!

Serving and Pairing

 Impress your guests with this elegant and flavorful dessert.
Impress your guests with this elegant and flavorful dessert.

Serving a slice of this dense and moist Black Walnut Pound Cake can be an indulgent experience in itself. It is a perfect afternoon treat with your favorite tea or coffee. But if you want to take it up a notch, you can add a dollop of fresh whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

Pair it with a fruity or nutty liquor such as Amaretto, Sherry, or Port, and they will complement the flavors of the black walnuts in the cake. You can also serve it with a glass of milk, which kids love.

For a more elegant occasion, slice the cake into bite-sized pieces or cubes and dust them with powdered sugar. Serve the black walnut pound cake along with other bite-sized desserts like truffles, macarons, pralines, or petit fours for a sophisticated dessert table.

Another delightful way to enjoy this black walnut cake is to toast the slices with butter until they are crispy around the edges. Top it off with apricot jam or honey for an absolutely heavenly breakfast.

In sum, this Black Walnut Pound Cake recipe is versatile and suitable for any occasion – from lazy afternoons to formal events. Whether it is served plain, with whipped cream or fruits, paired with wine or coffee; it still tastes just as good!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 The perfect balance of crunchy and moist in each bite.
The perfect balance of crunchy and moist in each bite.

Black Walnut Pound Cake is a delightful dessert that can be made in advance, which makes it even more convenient for serving. Once baked and cooled down to room temperature, you can store black walnut pound cake in an airtight container for up to three days. However, this cake tastes best when served fresh, so it’s best not to make it too far in advance.

If you need to store the cake for longer periods, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, then wrap it again or place it in an airtight container and freeze for up to three months. To prolong its freshness, add a slice of bread inside the container. The bread will absorb moisture, preventing the cake from becoming stale.

Reheating black walnut pound cake is a breeze- just pop it into the microwave or preheated oven until warm. If you have stored the cake in the refrigerator or freezer, let it come back to room temperature before reheating to avoid any unwanted texture issues.

Overall, black walnut pound cake is an incredibly versatile cake that stores well and can even be made ahead of time. So there’s no need to worry about making it fresh on short notice – simply bake in advance and enjoy whenever you please!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Add a dollop of whipped cream and fresh berries to take this cake to the next level.
Add a dollop of whipped cream and fresh berries to take this cake to the next level.

Now that you have your ingredients and recipe ready, let’s go through some tips and tricks to help you achieve the perfect black walnut pound cake.

First and foremost, make sure all of your ingredients are at room temperature, especially the butter and cream cheese. This will ensure that they mix together evenly and create a smooth batter.

When measuring your flour, use a spoon to lightly fill the measuring cup, then level it off with a knife. Scooping the flour directly with the measuring cup can result in too much flour, leading to a tough and dry cake.

To evenly distribute the black walnuts in the cake batter, toss them with a small amount of flour before adding them to the mixture. This will prevent them from sinking to the bottom during baking.

It’s important not to overmix the batter once you add the flour. Mix on low speed just until everything is combined to avoid a tough cake.

When it comes time to bake your pound cake, use a tube pan or bundt pan for best results. These pans distribute heat evenly and allow for even cooking throughout the cake.

Once it’s finished baking, resist the urge to take it out of the oven immediately. Let it cool in the pan for about 15 minutes before removing it from the pan and placing it on a wire rack to cool completely.

Lastly, don’t be intimidated by this recipe – baking is all about trial and error! If your first try isn’t perfect, adjust accordingly for your next attempt until you achieve your desired results.

With these tips in mind, you will be able to bake a delicious and moist black walnut pound cake every time.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, if you want to impress your friends and family with a delicious dessert that is not too complicated to make, then this black walnut pound cake recipe is perfect for you. This recipe has been passed down through generations, and it is a true classic that every British cuisine lover should try. With its rich buttery flavor, crunchiness of black walnuts, and the fluffy texture, this cake will leave everyone wanting more.

Don’t hesitate to experiment with the recipe by using different variations and substitutions. You can make it your own by adding your own twist or just following the original recipe as it is; either way, you won’t be disappointed with the outcome.

Remember these tips: always use room temperature ingredients, beat the sugar until light and fluffy, sift the dry ingredients for an even mixture, and most importantly, enjoy the baking process! Follow these guidelines, and you’ll end up with a perfect-looking cake that tastes as good as it looks.

In my opinion, this black walnut pound cake recipe is one of the best out there. It is easy to make yet impressive-looking and always receives compliments from everyone who tries it. So go ahead and give it a try; you won’t regret it!

Black Walnut Pound Cake

Black Walnut Pound Cake Recipe

This is a recipe from my mom's recipe file. If you ever have black walnuts on hand, this cake is a must try!
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Keyword < 4 Hours, Dessert, For Large Groups, Oven
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Servings 1 bundt cake
Calories 355.7kcal


  • 1 1/2 cups black walnuts, chopped
  • 1 1/2 cups butter
  • 8 ounces cream cheese
  • 3 cups flour
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla


  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  • Butter and flour a 10" tube pan.
  • Sprinkle 1/2 cup black walnuts in tube pan and set aside.
  • Cream butter and cream cheese, then add sugar beating until light and fluffy.
  • Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.
  • Add flour and salt, stirring until well combined.
  • Stir in vanilla and remaining black walnuts.
  • Pour batter into prepared tube pan.
  • Bake at 325 degrees for 1 1/2 hours.
  • Cool in pan 10 minutes.
  • Remove from pan and cool completely on rack.


Serving: 84g | Calories: 355.7kcal | Carbohydrates: 38.1g | Protein: 5.9g | Fat: 20.8g | Saturated Fat: 10g | Cholesterol: 93.8mg | Sodium: 139.8mg | Fiber: 0.9g | Sugar: 25.3g

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