Delicious Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup Recipe

Hark, heed my words, for I have a recipe that shall tantalize even the most discerning taste buds. It is a dish fit for royalty, one that will warm your soul on even the coldest of nights. I present to you the Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup Recipe.

This soup is a true testament to the richness and depth of Scottish cuisine. It boasts the bold flavor of extra mature cheddar cheese, combined with the sweetness of onion and the subtle spice of black pepper. A creamy base made from milk and flour creates a velvety texture that is perfect for savoring every last drop.

Once you take a sip of this soup, you will be transported to the rolling hills and rugged landscapes of Scotland. It is hearty enough to serve as an entree or can be paired with a crisp salad for a lighter meal.

To all comrades who appreciate the comfort of thick and creamy soup and enjoy exploring bold flavors, this recipe is not to be missed. So come hither, let us venture forth into the enchanting world of Scottish cuisine together.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup
Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup

Allow me to regale you with a tale of culinary splendor, dear reader. Picture yourself seated before a hearty bowl of Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup, its golden hue shining like the sun on a summer’s day. As you bring your spoonful to your lips, you are met with a symphony of flavors – the sharp tanginess of cheddar cheese, the subtle sweetness of onions, and a sprinkle of black pepper that adds just the right amount of spice.

But why should you choose this soup recipe over any other? Allow me to convince you. For starters, cheddar cheese is the star ingredient in this recipe – it’s rich, creamy and oh-so satisfying. The soup is hearty enough to stand alone as a complete meal or can be served as an appetizer for any dinner party setting. The recipe ingredients like cauliflower and broccoli make it nutrient-packed while still being indulgent.

Another reason why this Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup should be added to your cooking repertoire is because it’s incredibly easy and quick to make without letting go of the luxuriously creamy eating experience that we look for in a soup. This recipe doesn’t call for any complicated techniques, but rather depend on simple cooking methods like melting butter in a saucepan and sautéing onions to bring out flavors in different ingredients.

Lastly, this recipe can be easily customized with variations that suit your liking. Feeling like adding some extra crispiness? Toss in some crumbled bacon toppings for that contrasting crunch. Want to switch it up with various cheese types? Wisconsin cheese is just as much suited for this recipe as Scottish cows milk would have been.

In conclusion, dear reader, if you’re looking for a comforting bowl of soup that’s both delicious and easy-to-make with room for variations to try, then look no further than this Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup Recipe.

Ingredient List

 A warm bowl of Scottish cheddar cheese soup on a chilly day is all I need!
A warm bowl of Scottish cheddar cheese soup on a chilly day is all I need!


  • 2 ½ cups Scottish cheddar cheese, grated
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 cups vegetable stock
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 7 oz Mclelland extra mature Scottish cheddar cheese, crumbled
  • 2 ½ tbsp. flour
  • 2 ½ tbsp. butter
  • 1 cauliflower head, chopped into small florets
  • Salt and pepper to taste

This soup recipe ingredients are the quintessential Scottish cuisine. The star of this recipe is the Scottish cheddar cheese used in three different forms: grated, crumbled and incorporated within the cauliflower florets. The onions give depth to the soup base while the butter adds a velvety texture. To thicken up the soup, we need some flour. I recommend using Scottish flour but any all-purpose flour will also do the trick.

The combination of milk and stock creates a dynamic soup texture that is rich and silky while retaining its body without being overly thick. The cauliflower gives a hint of earthiness in every spoonful, and don’t forget to season this baby with some salt and pepper to make it tastier!

The Recipe How-To

 Dive into a bowl of heaven with this Scottish cheddar cheese soup.
Dive into a bowl of heaven with this Scottish cheddar cheese soup.

Step 1: Melt the Butter

In a large saucepan, melt butter over medium heat until it foams.

Step 2: Cook the Onions

Add finely chopped onions and sauté for about 5-7 minutes or until they are soft and golden brown.

Step 3: Make the Roux

Add flour to the saucepan and stir with a wooden spoon until you form paste-like mixture. Continue stirring for about two to three minutes or until the mixture has a nutty aroma.

Step 4: Mix Milk and Stock

Slowly add in milk and stock while gently stirring the mixture using whisk, so as to prevent lumps from forming.

Step 5: Add Cheese

Once the soup is simmering gently, add shredded Scottish cheddar cheese and continue stirring until it melts completely into the soup.

Step 6: Season with Pepper

Season with freshly ground pepper to taste.

Step 7: Serve Hot

Ladle into bowls and top with crumbled extra mature cheddar cheese, along with any other toppings of your choice. The soup can be served hot alongside some crusty bread or crackers for a more satisfying meal.

Substitutions and Variations

 If you are a cheese lover, this is definitely the soup for you!
If you are a cheese lover, this is definitely the soup for you!

Hark! If thou dost not possess all the recipe ingredients, never fear! For substitutes and variations are at hand.

– Milk: If thou wilt, thou mayst substitute cow’s milk with almond milk. This doth lend a nutty flavor to the dish.

– Flour: An appropriate substitution for flour is cornstarch. Cornstarch doth help to adjust its thickening properties and is gluten-free.

– Onions: Another root vegetable such as shallots or leeks may be used in lieu of onions. Shallots doth have a mild and sweet taste while leeks have a subtle onion flavor.

– Cheese: Should thou desire a change from Scottish cheddar cheese, try Arbroath smoked cheese of Scottish origin or Wisconsin cheese should thee be residing in America.

– Beer Cheese: Substitute beer which hast a hoppy flavor with chicken broth if ye prefer. A good vegetarian alternative for cheddar cheese would be condensed cheddar soup instead.

– Broccoli Cheddar Soup: This variation featuring the earthy-flavored broccoli dost bring an interesting twist to the recipe.

These substitutions and variations provide thou with flexibility to suit your personal taste preferences or dietary requirements. Try different combinations to create your perfect cheddar soup recipe.

Serving and Pairing

 Breathe in the aroma of creamy cheddar cheese mixed with potatoes and herbs.
Breathe in the aroma of creamy cheddar cheese mixed with potatoes and herbs.

Methinks this Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup Recipe ought to be savor’d slowly and in good company. Served hot, with a touch of cracked pepper for a theatrical effect makes for a great dish in the winter season. As this soup recipe is very rich and decadent, it pairs perfectly with freshly baked crusty bread, and even better, with beer cheese bread.

For a heartier meal, one may serve this soup alongside a crisp green salad or vegetable soup, such as broccoli cheddar soup. A nice accompaniment would be Arbroath smoked Scottish Cheddar crumbled on top of the soup, along with your choice of extra mature Scottish cheddar cheese.

For an extra kick, add some condensed cheddar cheese sauce or cauliflower cheddar cheese sauce on top of the soup. I doth declare that Wisconsin cheese can also be used as an alternative if scottish cheddar is not attainable in thy vicinity.

In conclusion, I advise thee to savor this soup recipe slowly and enjoy it in the comfort of good company whilst listening to Scottish music or reading a novel by the fire. It is sure to delight and satiate any discerning appetite.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 The secret to this perfect soup? Scottish cheddar cheese of course!
The secret to this perfect soup? Scottish cheddar cheese of course!

Hark! Doth thou desire to prepare this Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup recipe in advance? Fear not, for I have thee covered. This soup is a splendid make-ahead dish that can be reheated during a busy week.

To make-ahead, follow the recipe how-to up to Step 5. Allow the soup to cool completely, then transfer it to an airtight container and refrigerate for up to three days. If thou art planning on storing the soup for any longer than three days, consider freezing it (see below for freezing instructions).

To reheat, simply transfer the soup from the fridge into a saucepan and gently simmer while stirring until heated through. If the soup is too thick, consider adding a splash of milk or stock whilst reheating.

Should thee desire to freeze thy cheddar cheese soup, allow it to cool completely before transferring it to an airtight container, leaving some room for expansion. This soup can be frozen for up to three months. To reheat from frozen, thaw it overnight in the refrigerator before reheating as outlined above.

This hearty soup is also suitable for batch-cooking and portioning off into individual containers to have on hand for quick meals throughout the week.

Remember that cheddar cheese soups can thicken when stored or reheated due to the dairy content, so adding additional milk or stock in small increments can ensure that your soup maintains its desired consistency.

Tips for Perfect Results

 Give your soup bowl an upgrade with this delicious Scottish cheddar cheese soup.
Give your soup bowl an upgrade with this delicious Scottish cheddar cheese soup.

Thou art now equipped with the knowledge of the ingredient list and recipe how-to for the Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup Recipe. To ensure a perfect outcome, I suggest thou take heed of the following tips.

First and foremost, it is important to note that not all cheddar cheese is created equal. For this recipe, I recommend using a Scottish extra mature cheddar cheese that is rich in flavor and will add depth to thy soup. However, if thou cannot find Scottish cheddar cheese in thy local market, a Wisconsin cheddar cheese could also work well.

When making the rue for the soup base, make sure to stir constantly when adding in the milk and stock to prevent any lumps from forming. Additionally, simmer thy soup gently rather than boiling it vigorously to prevent curdling.

For added depth of flavor, consider incorporating arbroath smoked Scottish cheddar or other smoky cheeses into the recipe for a unique twist on traditional cheddar cheese soup.

If thou art looking for a vegetarian option, substitute vegetable stock for chicken stock to achieve similar results.

Lastly, when serving and pairing thy Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup, consider garnishing with crumbled cheese or pairing it with a slice of homemade bread or even beer bread.

By following these tips and keeping a close eye on thy soup during each step of the cooking process. Thou art sure to achieve a delicious and heartwarming bowl of Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup that will leave thee feeling satisfied and content.


Hark! I know thou may have some questions regarding this Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup Recipe. Worry thee not! For in this section, I shall provide thee with answers to common inquiries about this recipe, so you can prepare and enjoy this hearty soup with ease. Read on and be enlightened!

What is Scottish cheddar cheese?

The Scottish Extra Mature Cheddar Cheese produced by 1057 is crafted using the milk of cows that feed on the luscious Scottish Glens. The founders of Millbrook have carefully handpicked this Cheese, which boasts a sturdy but crumbly texture with an extra mature and robust flavor. One can anticipate a beautiful blend of rich creaminess with a sharp and bold taste.

Why won’t my cheddar cheese melt in my soup?

When it comes to melting cheese, many novice cooks tend to make the error of turning up the heat too high. This can cause the cheese to lose its moisture due to the protein bonds breaking down. It’s important to maintain a low simmer temperature of about 150 F and add small amounts of cheese at a time to ensure it melts properly without becoming too dry.

What is the best cheddar in Scotland?

Originating from the Inner Hebrides in Scotland, the Isle of Mull cheddar cheese is a classic British delicacy. Produced using raw cow’s milk, the cheese is left to mature for a period of 18 months. Its natural rind is wrapped with cloth and is known for its creamy, chewy, and hard texture.

What is the most popular cheese in Scotland?

Let’s talk about Crowdie, a soft and creamy Scottish cheese with a bit of tang. The origin of this cheese can be traced back to the Vikings who introduced it to Scotland. To this day, Crowdie is still produced using the traditional method of hanging skimmed milk curd in muslin bags.

Bottom Line

By now, I hope your mouth is watering with the thought of indulging in a warm bowl of Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup. With its creamy texture and rich flavor, it’s no wonder this soup is a popular dish throughout Scotland and the world.

But not all Cheddar Cheese Soups are created equal – the use of Mclelland Extra Mature Scottish Cheddar, along with other ingredients like pepper, onions, and flour, sets this recipe apart from the rest. And with substitutions and variations available for those with dietary restrictions or personal preferences, this soup truly is for everyone.

So why not give this soup a try? Impress friends and family with a taste of Scottish cuisine or enjoy a cozy night in with a bowl all to yourself. And with tips for perfect results and make-ahead instructions provided, there’s no excuse not to create something truly special.

So go forth and explore the delicious world of Scottish food. Your taste buds will thank you for it.

Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup

Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup Recipe

This is a recipe from Toravaig House Hotel, a small family hotel at Knock Bay on the Isle of Skye.
Course Soup
Cuisine Scottish
Keyword < 30 Mins, Cheese, Easy, European, Grains, Inexpensive, Kid-Friendly, Lunch, Scottish, Stove Top, Vegetable
Prep Time 4 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Servings 5 cups, approximately
Calories 445.3kcal


  • 2 onions, thinly sliced
  • 2 ounces butter
  • 2 ounces flour
  • 2 1/2 cups stock
  • 2 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 pinch pepper
  • 6 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded


  • Melt the butter in a saucepan and cook the onions for a few minutes.
  • Add the flour and cook for another minute.
  • Stir in the milk and stock, bring to the boil, season with pepper and simmer gently for about 5 minutes.
  • Toss the grated cheese gently into the soup and simmer until melted.


Serving: 278g | Calories: 445.3kcal | Carbohydrates: 24g | Protein: 17.7g | Fat: 31.4g | Saturated Fat: 19.8g | Cholesterol: 96.5mg | Sodium: 422.4mg | Fiber: 1.1g | Sugar: 2.6g

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