Delicious Scottish Shortbread: Get the Recipe Now!

Are you a fan of Scottish shortbread? If so, I’ve got the perfect recipe for you. Get ready to indulge your sweet tooth with my mouth-watering Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread Recipe!

This recipe is a modern twist on the traditional Scottish shortbread, incorporating brown sugar for a delicious twist on this classic dessert. The use of brown sugar provides an irresistible depth of flavor that pairs perfectly with a cup of tea or coffee.

Not to mention, you won’t want to miss the aroma that emanates from your kitchen while making these cookies. The tantalizing scent of butter and brown sugar will make your mouth water!

In this article, I’ll guide you through the process of making this scrumptious treat step-by-step with detailed instructions, tips, and substitutions for any variation of ingredients.

So, let’s take a trip to Scotland and enjoy the taste of the traditional Scottish shortbread with my special twist on it. Trust me, once you try this recipe, it will become a new favorite in your household!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread
Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread

If you’re a fan of Scottish shortbread, then you’re in for a real treat with this brown sugar variation. Not only does it stay true to the traditional Scottish cookie recipe, but it also adds a unique twist that elevates the taste and texture to new heights.

The use of brown sugar in this recipe gives the shortbread a deeper, more complex flavor that pairs perfectly with the buttery goodness that we all know and love in traditional Scottish shortbread. It’s not too sweet, but just sweet enough to satisfy any sugar cravings.

Additionally, the texture is slightly more crumbly than regular shortbread, which is perfect for dipping into tea or coffee. The melt-in-your-mouth sensation is just as rich and indulgent as ever, making these cookies an irresistibly satisfying snack.

One of my favorite things about this recipe is how versatile it is. While it certainly stands on its own as a delicious treat, it’s also an excellent base for experimenting with other flavors. Add some chocolate chips or chopped nuts if you want a little crunch or switch out the vanilla extract for almond extract to add an extra layer of depth to the flavor.

But despite all of its extra bells and whistles, at its core, this recipe stays true to its Scottish roots. You’ll get all of the authentic taste and texture that you expect from Scottish shortbread while enjoying a twist on tradition.

With all of these amazing qualities, there’s really no reason not to love this brown sugar Scottish shortbread recipe. It’s easy to make, easy to customize, and completely delicious in every way. Give it a try and see why it’s sure to become a favorite in your baking repertoire.

Ingredient List

 Luscious Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread that melts in your mouth!
Luscious Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread that melts in your mouth!

Let’s gather the necessary ingredients!

To make this traditional Scottish brown sugar shortbread, we’ll need these ingredients:

  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup of brown sugar, packed
  • 3/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 1/2 cups (3 sticks) of unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (optional)

Note: If you prefer a more traditional recipe, you can use granulated white sugar instead of brown sugar.

These standard shortbread ingredients are available in any grocery store. Make sure everything is fresh, especially the butter. And remember, get unsalted butter as it will allow better control over the salt level added to the recipe.

The Recipe How-To

 This buttery shortbread with brown sugar is the comfort food you need!
This buttery shortbread with brown sugar is the comfort food you need!

Cream Butter and Brown Sugar

The first step in making this Scottish brown sugar shortbread recipe is to cream the butter and brown sugar together. This process involves mixing softened butter and brown sugar in a bowl using an electric mixer until the mixture is light and fluffy.

Add Flour Mix and Salt

Once you have a creamy mixture, it’s time to add in the flour mix and salt. You will need 2 cups of all-purpose flour for this recipe, which should be mixed well with 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

Blend Together

Next, blend the flour mix and salt into the creamed butter and brown sugar mixture. You can add in the flour mix little by little, blending on low speed just enough to combine well.

Form Dough

At this point, your dough should start to come together in clumps. If it still looks crumbly, keep blending on low speed until it forms more solid masses.

Knead Dough onto Surface

Turn the dough out onto a clean, floured surface and knead it gently with your hands until it comes together into one cohesive ball. Be careful not to overwork the dough as this can make your shortbread tough.

Stamp Cookies or Form a Rectangle

Once your dough has been formed into a ball, you can choose how to shape it. You can use a cookie cutter to stamp out round cookies or press it into a rectangle before cutting it into bars or wedges.

Bake Your Shortbread

Finally, preheat your oven to 325°F (165°C) before placing your shortbread onto baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes or until light golden brown

Let Cool Before Storing Or Serving

After removing from oven, let cool for about 5 minutes before transferring onto cooling racks,and then let cool completely before storing in an airtight container.

Substitutions and Variations

 Enjoy the perfect blend of sugar and butter with this delectable Scottish treat.
Enjoy the perfect blend of sugar and butter with this delectable Scottish treat.

Ah, substitution – one of the joys of cooking. Fortunately, this Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread recipe is flexible and versatile enough to accommodate a variety of substitutions and variations.

1. If you want to try a gluten-free version of this shortbread recipe, you can replace the all-purpose flour with rice flour or another gluten-free flour.

2. For some added flavor, you can swap out the vanilla extract for almond extract or even peppermint extract.

3. If you don’t have light brown sugar on hand, dark brown sugar or granulated white sugar will work just fine.

4. For those who prefer a more traditional Scottish shortbread taste, use granulated white sugar instead of brown sugar.

5. To add some color and texture to your shortbread, try sprinkling some chopped nuts on top before baking.

6. If you want to make round or square stamped cookies like Walkers Shortbread, replace the 2 cups of butter with 2 cups of vegetable shortening and add an additional cup of flour.

7. You can also experiment with different shapes and designs by stamping the cookie dough with a scotch shortbread mold or cookie press.

Remember that substitutions may affect the texture and taste of your shortbread cookies, so be sure to test your variations before serving them to guests.

So don’t be afraid to get creative and make this recipe your own!

Serving and Pairing

 Get lost in the aroma of freshly baked Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread!
Get lost in the aroma of freshly baked Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread!

What better way to complement a sweet and buttery Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread than with a hot cup of tea or coffee? Whether you prefer Earl Grey, English Breakfast, or a delicate herbal blend, the rich and crumbly texture of this traditional Scottish shortbread pairs perfectly with your favorite warm beverage.

For a more indulgent treat, try serving the shortbread with a side of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream. The contrast between the cold and creamy dessert and the warm and flaky cookie will make for an unforgettable dessert experience.

If you’re feeling creative, use the Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread as a base for other desserts. Crumble it up and use it as a topping for pies, tarts, or even cheesecakes. You can also accentuate its flavors by adding some fresh berries or drizzling some caramel sauce on top.

No matter how you choose to serve it, this homemade treat is sure to impress anyone who takes a bite into its rich and velvety texture.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 This Scottish Shortbread will have you dreaming of green grassy hills and misty mornings.
This Scottish Shortbread will have you dreaming of green grassy hills and misty mornings.

Making the Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread recipe ahead of time is possible and can make things easier on the day you plan to serve it. One option is to prepare the dough in advance and store it in an airtight container or zip bag in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Having the dough ready to go means that you can simply slice and bake when you’re ready. Another option is to fully bake the shortbread and store it in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 5 days.

If you have leftover brown sugar shortbread, storing properly will ensure optimal taste and texture. Keep them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to five days or keep them fresh longer by storing them in the fridge for two weeks instead. To reheat your shortbread cookies, just pop them in a 325°F oven for a couple of minutes until they are warm again.

This Scottish shortbread cookie recipe also freezes well if you want to make a large batch ahead of time or keep extras on hand for unexpected company. Freeze baked brown sugar shortbread in freezer bags or airtight containers for up to three months. Thaw the cookies unwrapped at room temperature before serving.

It’s always good etiquette to offer freshly baked goods when hosting, so consider only reheating what you intend to replace your guests’ plate with before serving. The aroma of freshly baked Scottish brown sugar shortbread cookies combined with warm from-the-oven cookies will add an extra touch of hospitality and nostalgia that your guests will appreciate, even if their skirt’s getting tight!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Savor the rich and buttery flavor of this Scottish classic dessert.
Savor the rich and buttery flavor of this Scottish classic dessert.

As a chef specializing in British cuisine, I have made my fair share of Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread over the years. Here are some tips that I have found to be helpful for achieving perfect results every time.

1. Use quality ingredients: With only a few ingredients in this recipe, it’s important to use good quality ones. Splurge on high-quality unsalted butter and pure vanilla extract for the best flavor.

2. Cream the butter and sugar well: Creaming the butter and brown sugar together until light and fluffy is key for soft, crumbly shortbread cookies.

3. Chill the dough: After mixing all of the ingredients together, chill the dough for at least 30 minutes before rolling it out. This helps the dough firm up and makes it easier to work with.

4. Don’t overwork the dough: When rolling out the dough, don’t overwork it. You want to handle it as little as possible to prevent gluten from forming and making your cookies tough.

5. Use rice flour for gluten-free shortbread: If you need to make this recipe gluten-free, try substituting half of the all-purpose flour with rice flour.

6. Stamp or cut into shapes before baking: For traditional Scottish shortbread, stamp or cut the dough into shapes before baking. This creates a beautiful finished product that is perfect for serving on a decorative platter.

7. Bake at a low temperature: The key to perfectly baked shortbread is to bake at a low temperature (325°F) for a longer amount of time (30-40 minutes). This allows the cookies to bake evenly and stay a light golden color.

8. Let them cool completely before serving: Once your delicious brown sugar shortbread cookies are done baking, let them cool completely before serving or storing them in an airtight container.

By following these helpful tips, you’ll be able to make traditional Scottish brown sugar shortbread that will melt in your mouth and leave you wanting more!


As with any recipe, you may have some questions or concerns as you are making Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread recipe. No need to worry! I’ve put together a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding this recipe to help guide you along the way. Read on to find answers to your questions and make your baking experience a stress-free one.

What is the difference between Scottish shortbread and shortbread?

Compared to the butter-based Walkers shortbread cookies, Scottish cookies have a unique texture and flavor due to the use of either vegetable shortening or a combination of shortening and butter.

What is the secret to good shortbread?

As a British cuisine specialist, let me share some tips for achieving the perfect baked goods. Firstly, it’s important to use high-quality butter for your recipes. Whatever brand you opt for, ensure that it is real butter to guarantee the best results. Additionally, try to keep your ingredient list as simple as possible to avoid overpowering the dish.

Adding some flavor to your dough can create a unique twist to an ordinary recipe. However, it’s crucial to avoid overworking the dough as this can lead to tough results. Giving your baked goods a good shape before baking is another excellent tip to consider.

Chilling the dough before baking not only helps keep the dough together but also enhances its flavor. The baking process should continue until the dough turns a lovely golden brown color- this ensures that the dough is entirely cooked. To give your baked goods some extra oomph, try adding some finishing touches, such as glazed or icing, to make them irresistible.

What makes Scottish shortbread Scottish?

The origins of shortbread can be traced back to Petticoat Tails, a type of thin and crispy shortbread with a buttery taste. According to history, Mary, Queen of Scots had a particular liking for it and it is believed that she was the one who popularized the treat during the mid-16th century.

What is traditional Scottish shortbread made from?

Shortbread, also known as shortie, is an iconic Scottish treat composed of a simple blend of ingredients, including sugar, butter, and wheat flour. Notably, this biscuit lacks any rising agents, like baking powder or soda, which sets it apart from other baked goods.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread recipe is an absolute must-try for anyone who loves traditional Scottish buttery goodness. The brown sugar adds a hint of caramel flavor to the shortbread, making it extra delicious and impossible to resist! With simple ingredients that are easy to find and a quick prep time, this recipe is perfect for any home baker looking to impress their family and friends with an authentic Scottish dessert. Plus, with the versatile nature of shortbread, you can adapt and play around with the recipe to make it your own by adding in nuts or chocolate chips.

I encourage you to give this recipe a try and share your creations with others. Who knows, it might become your new go-to recipe for gatherings and celebrations! Don’t miss out on a taste of Scotland’s rich culinary heritage, get baking today!

Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread

Scottish Brown Sugar Shortbread Recipe

Very light and flavourful shortbread. This is such a simple recipe you will be surprised that it tastes so yummy. The real trick is using brown sugar and real butter. I have made this with and without the vanilla and I enjoy it either way. This recipe is a staple in my recipe library.
Course Dessert
Cuisine Scottish
Keyword < 60 Mins, Cookie and Brownie, Dessert, Easy, For Large Groups
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Servings 24 cookies
Calories 246.3kcal


  • 2 cups butter
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla (optional)


  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
  • Cream butter and brown sugar and vannilla (optional).
  • Add 3 to 3 3/4 cups flour. Mix well.
  • Sprinkle board with the remaining flour. Knead for 5 minutes, adding enough flour to make a soft dough.
  • Roll to 1/2 inch thickness. Press out shapes or cut into 3x1 inch strips. Prick with fork and place on ungreased baking sheets.
  • Bake at 325 degrees F (165 degrees C) for 20 to 25 minutes.


Serving: 49g | Calories: 246.3kcal | Carbohydrates: 24.9g | Protein: 2.3g | Fat: 15.6g | Saturated Fat: 9.8g | Cholesterol: 40.7mg | Sodium: 138.1mg | Fiber: 0.6g | Sugar: 9g

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