Indulge in light and fluffy Fat-Free Pound Cake

Greetings, baking enthusiasts! Today I’m excited to share with you my recipe for a heavenly Fat Free Sour Cream Pound Cake. Nothing beats the indulgent taste of a classic pound cake, but unfortunately, it’s not exactly known for its low-fat content. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. My recipe uses nonfat sour cream to give you all the rich and tangy flavor of a traditional pound cake without any of the guilt.

I learned this ingenious trick from Don Over, the baking guru himself. By substituting regular sour cream with fat-free sour cream, you can shave off both calories and fat from your cake without sacrificing taste or texture. The secret is in the moisture that sour cream brings to the batter – and by using the nonfat version, we can retain that moisture without thinning out our batter or affecting the rise of our cake.

But just because this pound cake is fat-free doesn’t mean it’s flavor-free. Quite the opposite actually – with a tender crumb and refreshing tang, this cake is sure to surprise your taste buds in all the right ways. Perfect for those looking to watch their waistlines or simply wanting to enjoy a dessert that won’t break the calorie bank. So let’s get baking!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Fat Free Sour Cream Pound Cake
Fat Free Sour Cream Pound Cake

Are you looking for a pound cake recipe that is delicious, easy to make, and low in fat? Look no further than this Fat Free Sour Cream Pound Cake recipe!

You heard me right – this recipe has all the richness and flavor of a traditional pound cake, without any of the extra fat. Thanks to the substitution of nonfat sour cream for full-fat sour cream and unsalted butter, this pound cake is moist and fluffy without being heavy.

But don’t let the “fat-free” label fool you – this cake is still bursting with flavor. The vanilla extract gives it a delightfully fragrant aroma, while the Splenda sugar substitute adds just the right amount of sweetness to satisfy your sweet tooth without weighing you down.

Not only is this recipe low in fat and sugar, it’s also incredibly easy to make. With simple ingredients like unbleached flour, baking soda, baking powder, and 4 egg whites whipped to perfection, you can have a scrumptious dessert on your table in no time.

And let’s not forget about the versatility of this cake. You can use it as a base for other delicious desserts, like a cream lemon cake or even a Keto-friendly version by substituting keto sour cream for nonfat sour cream. With so many options available, there’s never a reason not to have pound cake on hand.

In summary, if you want to indulge your sweet tooth while still keeping an eye on your waistline, Fat Free Sour Cream Pound Cake is the perfect choice. You’ll love its moist texture and rich flavor that makes it perfect for any occasion!

Ingredient List

 Thick, creamy and fluffy slice of fat-free sour cream pound cake.
Thick, creamy and fluffy slice of fat-free sour cream pound cake.

Let’s talk about the ingredients you’ll need to make this delicious fat-free sour cream pound cake. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 cup of granulated sugar or Splenda sugar substitute
  • 1 cup of nonfat sour cream or substitute with sour cream at room temperature
  • 4 egg whites, whipped until stiff peaks form
  • 1 1/2 tsp of baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp of baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp of salt
  • 3 cups of unbleached flour or all-purpose flour, sifted
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract or lemon extract
  • Cooking spray, for preparing the baking pan

This recipe only requires a few basic and inexpensive ingredients that can easily be found in your local grocery store. You can also swap some ingredients to make it gluten-free, low FODMAP, keto-friendly or use different flavors like lemon extract or even a cake mix for a quick fix. Keep on reading to find out more!

The Recipe How-To

 A heavenly treat for all those weight watchers - fat-free sour cream pound cake.
A heavenly treat for all those weight watchers – fat-free sour cream pound cake.

Now that we have our ingredients ready, let’s start making the fat-free sour cream pound cake.

Step 1: Prepare the baking pan

Preheat your oven to 350°F/ 175°C. Grease and flour a 12-cup Bundt cake pan or a 10-inch tube pan.

Step 2: Combine Dry Ingredients

In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together 3 cups of unbleached flour, 2 tsp. of baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.

Step 3: Combine Wet Ingredients

In another bowl, combine 1 cup of [fat-free] sour cream, 4 egg whites whipped, and 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract.

Step 4: Cream Butter and Sugar

In a separate bowl, cream together 3/4 cup of unsalted butter and 1and 3/4 cups white granulated sugar. Mix on high speed for about 5 minutes until light and fluffy.

Step 5: Combine Wet and Dry Ingredients

Add the dry ingredients mixture to the wet ingredients mixture in three parts, starting with the dry mix, alternating with the wet ingredients. Beat slowly until just combined.

Step 6: Pour mixture into Baking Pan

Pour batter into prepared pan; smooth top with an offset spatula.

Step 7: Bake Cake

Bake for approximately 50-60 minutes or until a wooden tester inserted comes out clean.

Step 8: Cool and Serve

Cool cake in pan on wire rack for ten minutes before removing from the pan to cool completely. Cut into slices and enjoy plain or with your favorite topping.

Remember to follow these steps carefully as each step is crucial to achieving moist but firm texture pound cake that is perfect for any occasion.

Substitutions and Variations

 Perfectly baked to golden brown, this pound cake is a must-try for all cake lovers.
Perfectly baked to golden brown, this pound cake is a must-try for all cake lovers.

There are various substitutions and variations you can try with this fat-free sour cream pound cake recipe to customize it to your liking or dietary needs.

For those who prefer low-carb and keto-friendly options, Splenda sugar substitute can be used in place of granulated sugar. You can also swap out the unbleached flour for almond flour or coconut flour for a gluten-free option.

If you have dietary restrictions, you can use non-dairy substitutes such as coconut cream or soy yogurt in place of sour cream to make it dairy-free. However, keep in mind that the texture and flavor may be slightly different.

For a lemon twist, you can add lemon zest or lemon extract to the batter. You can also make a lemon sour cream pound cake by replacing vanilla extract with pure lemon extract.

If you want to make smaller portions or change the shape of the cake, try using a cupcake or muffin pan instead of a bundt pan. You can also experiment with different toppings such as powdered sugar, fresh berries, or whipped cream.

Remember that different substitutions may alter the texture and taste of the cake, so always make sure to readjust other ingredients accordingly. Regardless of which variation you choose, this fat-free sour cream pound cake will still be a moist and flavorful treat for all occasions!

Serving and Pairing

 Moist, rich, and perfectly golden pound cake with a fat-free twist.
Moist, rich, and perfectly golden pound cake with a fat-free twist.

Now that you have baked this delicious Fat Free Sour Cream Pound Cake, it’s time to serve and pair it with some complimentary flavors. This cake is ideal for a celebratory event or even a weekend brunch.

The best way to serve this moist cake is by cutting it into thick slices and garnishing it with fresh berries, whipped cream or a sprinkle of powdered sugar. If you’re feeling adventurous, try a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a drizzle of caramel sauce.

As for pairing suggestions, nothing beats a cup of warm tea or coffee alongside a slice of pound cake. The bitterness in tea helps to balance out the sweetness of the cake, while the aroma of coffee elevates the flavor profile. You can also enjoy this cake with a glass of cold milk or a fruit smoothie for a refreshing twist.

This cake is also perfect for transporting to potlucks or sharing with friends and family. Slice it up in advance and pack it along with some fresh fruits and nuts for a complete serving option. Or, if you really want to amplify the flavors, pair this Fat Free Sour Cream Pound Cake with some lemon sorbet for an elegant dessert experience.

Remember that when serving and pairing this cake, creativity is the key! Add your own unique touch by experimenting with different toppings or accompaniments. Happy baking and bon appetit!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Satisfy those cake cravings without the guilt with this delicious fat-free sour cream pound cake.
Satisfy those cake cravings without the guilt with this delicious fat-free sour cream pound cake.

When it comes to making ahead the fat-free sour cream pound cake, I highly recommend that you do not prepare it more than a day in advance. The fact that it is low-fat and does not contain any preservatives makes it necessary for the cake to be consumed shortly after baking. However, you can still try to save time in advance by measuring and preparing your ingredients beforehand. Make sure to store them in air-tight containers to prevent moisture absorption which might alter the texture of your cake.

If you end up with leftovers, don’t worry as this can make for yummy snacks throughout the week. Before storage, allow your cake to cool completely and wrap it up tightly with plastic wrap at room temperature or refrigerated for best results. You may freeze the fat-free sour cream pound cake as well. To keep its flavor intact, slice and portion the cake before freezing by wrapping each piece individually in plastic wrap and then sealing them together in an airtight container or ziplock bag.

When reheating frozen slices, ensure that they are completely thawed before reheating in the microwave on medium heat for about 15-20 seconds or in a preheated oven at 350F for about 5-7 minutes. Additionally, if you’re traveling with your homemade fat-free sour cream pound cake, make sure to use a sturdy container such as a bundt pan to avoid damage during transportation.

Tips for Perfect Results

 A slice of this scrumptious fat-free pound cake can turn any dull day into a delightful one.
A slice of this scrumptious fat-free pound cake can turn any dull day into a delightful one.

As a chef, I know that sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference in achieving the perfect outcome. Here are my tips for ensuring that your fat-free sour cream pound cake turns out just as delicious and moist as the original!

1. Whip those egg whites

One of the secrets to a light and fluffy texture in pound cake is whipped egg whites. To add volume to your cake, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form and then gently fold them into the batter.

2. Cream butter and sugar thoroughly

Be sure to take your time when creaming together the butter and Splenda sugar substitute (or granulated sugar if you prefer). This step is essential for creating that tender crumb we all crave in a pound cake. Cream until light and fluffy.

3. Use unbleached flour

Unbleached flour has a slightly higher protein content than traditional all-purpose flour, which can help improve the structure of your cake. It’s also less processed, making it a bit healthier.

4. Sift The Flour

Sifting your dry ingredients before adding them to your batter will help ensure that your cake has a fine crumb texture. This adds to its appeal visually.

5. Be mindful of baking soda vs baking powder

Both of these leavening agents serve different purposes in baking. Baking soda is alkaline so it needs an acidic component like sour cream or lemon juice in order to activate whereas Baking powder has both acids and bases so it can be used on its own too.

6. Keep oven temperature consistent

Make sure you preheat your oven accurately and keep checking up on your cake fair intervals by opening up for brief moments late into baking time periods.

7. Allow room temperature softened butter

Use room temperature, soften unsalted butter to avoid lumps forming into the mixture, ensure it is fully mixed with no unmixed solid chunks of it left behind in the frosting.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your fat-free sour cream pound cake is both delicious and appealing to the eye!


Now that we have covered everything from the ingredient list to serving and pairing, let’s move on to some frequently asked questions regarding this delicious fat-free sour cream pound cake recipe. Hopefully, these answers will clear out any doubts and help you achieve a perfect result every time you bake this cake.

Can you use fat free sour cream in baking?

It is possible to incorporate low-fat or fat-free sour cream into your baking recipes.

Can you omit sour cream in a cake recipe?

When it comes to moistening baked goods that call for sour cream, the best substitute is buttermilk. A buttermilk-mayonnaise blend can also be repurposed as a dip base. In baking, use a 1:1 ratio of buttermilk to sour cream to ensure optimal results.

What does sour cream do in baking cakes?

Including sour cream in your cake recipe can provide the much-needed moisture without diluting the batter. This moisture infusion results in a cake with a soft and delicate texture.

What is a substitute for sour cream in a cake mix?

When it comes to substituting sour cream in your cooking, yogurt is the perfect alternative. It can be used in equal amounts, meaning that if your recipe asks for 1 cup of sour cream, you can replace it with 1 cup of yogurt. For best results, opt for full-fat Greek or natural yogurt, although low-fat or nonfat options can also be effective.

How do you keep pound cake from getting dense?

When making a delectable cake, it’s best to start off on the right foot. To achieve that perfect texture, I recommend using cake flour instead of all-purpose flour. Adding sour cream to your mix can also give your cake a tangy flavor, along with a super moist texture that will have people coming back for seconds.

When incorporating your butter, be sure to use it at room temperature and don’t over-cream it. This will help to create tiny pockets of air that give the cake its light and fluffy texture. For an extra lift, a small amount of baking powder or baking soda can be added to the cake.

Another helpful tip is to add a little bit of oil. This will help to keep your cake moist as it bakes in the oven, but be careful not to over-mix the batter. Over-mixing can lead to a tough cake that no one wants to eat.

Finally, it’s important not to let your cake over-bake. Keep a close eye on it while it’s in the oven, and take it out just as soon as a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the middle. To add an extra bit of sweetness, brush your cake with a simple syrup or other liquid. This will not only give it a nice shine, but help to lock in moisture for a more delicious cake.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this fat-free sour cream pound cake recipe is the perfect indulgence without any guilt. It’s incredibly easy to make and provides a healthier alternative to traditional pound cakes without compromising on taste or texture. The use of Splenda sugar substitute and low-fat sour cream in this recipe makes it perfect for those watching their sugar and fat intake.

This recipe is not only delicious, but it’s also versatile. By using different variations and substitutions, you can create a variety of flavors that suit your taste preferences. Moreover, pound cakes are always a great dessert choice, whether you’re hosting guests or looking for something to satisfy your sweet tooth.

So why not give this fat-free sour cream pound cake recipe a try? It’s sure to become a favorite among your loved ones while providing a healthier alternative. Remember, with simple tips and tricks like these, you can make delicious baked goods without sacrificing flavor or nutrition! Happy baking!

Fat Free Sour Cream Pound Cake

Fat Free Sour Cream Pound Cake Recipe

Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Keyword < 4 Hours, Dessert, Easy, European, Scottish, Weeknight
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Calories 99.7kcal


  • 1 cup nonfat sour cream
  • 4 egg whites, whipped
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 1/2 cups unbleached flour
  • 1 cup Splenda sugar substitute
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon baking soda


  • Preheat oven to 325°F.
  • Oil and flour a loaf pan.
  • In a mixing bowl, combine sour cream, egg whites, and vanilla.
  • In another mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and baking soda.
  • Combine wet and dry ingredients until just moistened.
  • Pour into pan and bake for 1 hour or until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean.


Serving: 64g | Calories: 99.7kcal | Carbohydrates: 18.4g | Protein: 4.6g | Fat: 0.5g | Saturated Fat: 0.2g | Cholesterol: 2.3mg | Sodium: 65.6mg | Fiber: 0.5g | Sugar: 2g

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