Deliciously Rich English Shortbread Recipe

Allow me to take you on a journey to the land of Scotland, where every bite of shortbread tastes like heaven. Picture yourself sitting in a cozy cottage with a cup of tea and a plate full of Scottish shortbread cookies – this is exactly what I want to share with you today. However, as a British chef, I have to insist that English shortbread is equally as delicious and deserves its own recognition.

Shortbread originated in Scotland over 400 years ago and since then, it has become a staple not only in Scottish but also in British cuisine. Traditional Scottish shortbread is made with just three simple ingredients – butter, sugar, and flour. However, today we will be making an English version of this classic treat that uses cornflour, giving it a crumbly texture that melts in your mouth.

This English shortbread recipe has been passed down through generations of my family and now I am honored to share it with you all. Trust me – there is nothing quite like taking a bite into a perfectly baked buttery slice of shortbread. So let’s roll up our sleeves, put on some Ted Lasso, and start baking!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

English Shortbread
English Shortbread

Pleasure is not a word I use lightly when it comes to food, but with this English Shortbread Recipe, it is the only appropriate label. You’ll fall in love with these biscuits from your first bite, even if you are not a huge fan of shortbread.

The buttery and crumbly texture of these cookies is just irresistible. Plus, the recipe only uses simple ingredients that are probably already stocked in your pantry – sugar, butter, and flour. It is an excellent option when you want to whip up something sweet without spending hours in the kitchen.

What makes these cookies extra special is the addition of cornflour in the recipe, which gives them a unique crunchiness that will leave you craving for more. They are perfect for serving alongside tea or coffee or as a sweet treat to finish off your meal.

This recipe strikes the perfect balance between sweet and salty, tending more towards sweetness. The addition of vanilla extract also adds a depth of flavor that makes them stand out from traditional Scottish shortbread recipes.

So what are you waiting for? Get ready to indulge in a traditional British delicacy that will keep you coming back for more – English Shortbread!

Ingredient List

Sure, here are 11 captions for the English Shortbread recipe:
Sure, here are 11 captions for the English Shortbread recipe:

Before heading to the recipe, let’s take a look at the ingredient list you’ll need for this classic British treat.

| English shortbread recipe ingredients | Traditional Scottish shortbread recipe ingredients |
| —————- | ———————– |
| 2 cups of all-purpose flour | 1 cup of all-purpose flour |
| 1 cup of unsalted butter, at room temperature | 1 cup of salted butter, at room temperature |
| 1/2 cup of granulated sugar | 1/4 cup of granulated sugar |
| 1/2 cup of cornflour | 1/2 cup of rice flour or semolina |
| 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract | – |
| 1/4 teaspoon salt | – |

Note that although English and Scottish shortbreads have slight differences in their ingredient lists, both recipes lead to scrumptious results. Whether you’re craving for buttery Scottish biscuits or classic English shortbread cookies, we’ve got you covered.

The Recipe How-To

Now that you have gathered all the recipe ingredients, we can proceed to make the delicious English Shortbread. Follow this step-by-step guide on how to make this fantastic classic British dessert.

1. Preheat the Oven

Preheat your oven to 325°F (163°C).

2. Prepare the Pan

Butter a 9-inch diameter springform pan. Set it aside whilst preparing the batter.

3. Whisk Flour, Sugar, and Salt

In a medium bowl whisk together 2 cups of purpose flour, 1/4 cornflour, and 1/4 tsp salt. Make sure you blend properly till there are no lumps.

4. Add Butter

Add 1 cup (226 grams) of unsalted butter that is at room temperature to the flour mixture. Rub them together till incorporated.

5. Press Dough into Pan

Next, press dough evenly into the prepared pan. Smooth out the surface with a spatula and prick dough all over with a fork.

6. Bake Until Light Brown

Bake for approximately 60 minutes or until lightly golden brown.

7. Allow Shortbread to Cool

Once done baking, transfer it to cooling racks and allow it to cool completely.

8. Cut Into Wedges or Fingers

After cooling, you may remove the sides of the pan before cutting the shortbread into wedges or fingers. Enjoy and savor every bite of this British traditional Scottish shortbread!


  • Sugar
  • Salted butter
  • Plain Flour
  • Cornflour
  • Vanilla extract

That’s it for The Recipe How-to section. Stay tuned for our substitutions and variations section!

Substitutions and Variations

 Golden and crumbly, this shortbread is pure indulgence.
Golden and crumbly, this shortbread is pure indulgence.

Now, if you’re feeling adventurous and want to broaden the flavor profile of this classic British treat, there are a host of substitutions and variations you can experiment with.

One of the easiest ways to mix things up is by varying the type of sugar used in your recipe. While granulated or caster sugar works just fine, many bakers swear by using brown sugar for a deeper and more caramel-like flavor. You can even try substituting some of the sugar with honey or maple syrup for an extra dose of sweetness and complexity.

And while traditional shortbread relies solely on butter for its rich flavor, you can also experiment with adding different types of flavorings, such as spices like cinnamon or nutmeg, citrus zest, or even a touch of cocoa powder for a chocolatey twist.

If you want to add some texture to your shortbread cookies, try sprinkling chopped nuts or dried fruit into the dough before baking. Alternatively, you could press some chopped nuts onto the top of the shortbread before baking for a fancy finish.

Another fun variation is to incorporate other ingredients into your buttery shortbread. For example, stirring in mini chocolate chips or crumbled pieces of toffee can lend a new depth to your classic shortbread.

If you’re looking to put your own spin on Scottish shortbread recipe ingredients, why not swap out the classic plain flour for almond meal or some other nut flour? Or switch up the type of butter used – salted versus unsalted – depending on how sweet or savory you like your biscuits!

Lastly, keep in mind that shortbread isn’t just for Christmas! While its origins may be rooted in holiday traditions, these cookies can be enjoyed any time of year – and can adapt perfectly to any occasion. Whether you’re whipping up a batch of ted lasso-inspired biscuits or serving them alongside afternoon tea, feel free to get creative with your flavors and have fun experimenting!

Serving and Pairing

 Get ready for the ultimate buttery treat.
Get ready for the ultimate buttery treat.

As a deliciously buttery and slightly sweet treat, English shortbread cookies are the perfect accompaniment to a nice cup of tea or coffee. Serve them when you have friends over for a catch-up session or bring them to a potluck for an easy and impressive dessert.

If you want to take it up a notch, try serving your freshly baked shortbread with a scoop of ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream. You can make the dessert extra special by adding some seasonal fruit on top, such as strawberries in the summer or spiced apples in the fall.

If you want to go all out and create a decadent dessert, use your shortbread biscuits as the base for homemade banoffee pie, cheesecake or tartlets. The buttery crumbly texture of the shortbread is so versatile that it can be used in many different desserts.

For drinks pairing, I recommend tea, coffee, hot chocolate or even a glass of milk. The rich buttery flavor of the shortbread pairs well with warm beverages, but if you prefer something stronger, serve them alongside your favorite whiskey or bourbon.

Overall, English shortbread cookies are versatile enough to be paired with many beverages and desserts alike. They are so tempting that you simply cannot resist their crumbly buttery goodness. So, indulge in them and enjoy their taste as much as you can!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 A simple yet irresistible classic: English Shortbread.
A simple yet irresistible classic: English Shortbread.

Now that you have baked your delightful batch of English Shortbread, it’s essential to know how to keep them fresh and delicious as long as possible. Luckily, English Shortbread is an incredibly sturdy treat that can last for several days on the counter or longer when stored properly.

To make ahead, you can store the uncooked dough in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days or freeze for up to three months. All you have to do is let the dough sit at room temperature for 15 minutes before baking.

If you’re planning on keeping your baked shortbread longer than a day, keep it in an airtight container at room temperature. Most shortbreads get better with age, so feel free to leave it on your countertop for up to five days. However, be mindful of any environmental factors that may shorten its shelf life like moisture or excessive heat.

If you want to warm up cold leftover shortbread, preheat your oven to 300°F (150°C). Place the cookies on a baking tray and heat them up for a few minutes. Do not heat them up too much as shortbread can quickly dry out in the oven.

If you find yourself with too many batches of shortbread cookies, storing them in the freezer is another option. Wrap each piece in plastic wrap and place them in a freezer-safe bag or container. When ready to consume, let it thaw at room temperature and serve.

In summary, make-ahead your English Shortbreads by refrigerating or freezing uncooked dough. Store baked shortbreads in an airtight container at room temperature for up to five days. Reheat your shortbreads by warming them up in the oven and store excess batches in the freezer until ready to serve.

Tips for Perfect Results

 Fun fact: Shortbread was originally a luxury reserved for special occasions.
Fun fact: Shortbread was originally a luxury reserved for special occasions.

If you want to make the perfect English shortbread, it’s important to pay attention to a few key tips. As a chef specializing in British cuisine, I’ve had plenty of practice making this classic recipe, and I’m happy to share my top tips with you.

First and foremost, it’s essential that your butter is at room temperature. This makes it much easier to cream with the sugar and ensures your shortbread has the ideal texture. If your butter is too cold, it will be difficult to blend properly, resulting in clumps or an uneven mixture. On the other hand, if it’s too warm, it may cause the dough to spread out too much during baking. So be sure to leave your butter out for a while before getting started.

Another important tip is to use high-quality ingredients. Since there are so few ingredients in this recipe, each one plays a significant role in determining the final result. Use good quality salted butter and fresh plain flour for a better taste and texture.

It’s also important not to overmix the dough. Once you add the flour mixture to the creamed butter and sugar, it can be tempting to keep mixing until everything is fully incorporated. However, overmixing can lead to development of gluten which could toughen the biscuits. Instead, stop mixing once everything is just combined.

When pressing the dough into your greased pan or springform pan, don’t press too hard. A light touch will keep your shortbread tender and crumbly. An old-fashioned Scottish shortbread could have a fork-pricked design on it as well.

Lastly, don’t skip refrigerating the dough before baking! Chilling helps firm up the dough which allows it slices more neatly, also helps them retain their shape while baking, so they end up with that crispity crunchy texture.

By following these simple yet crucial tips, you’ll be able to make perfect English shortbread every time.


Before we conclude this recipe article, let’s address some commonly asked questions about the English Shortbread Recipe. I understand that you might have some doubts or concerns related to the ingredients, techniques or variations for this classic British dessert. Therefore, in this FAQ section, I will provide you with some helpful answers and clarifications to ensure that nothing gets in the way of your delicious and buttery shortbread. So, let’s get started with these FAQs that will help make your baking experience even more enjoyable.

What is the difference between English shortbread and Scottish shortbread?

The texture and taste of cookies can vary significantly depending on the amount of butter and leavening agents used in the recipe.

What is the trick to shortbread?

When it comes to making a delectable British cuisine, choosing high-quality butter is crucial. No matter what brand you opt for, as long as it is genuine butter, you can take comfort in knowing that it is the finest option available out there. Keeping the ingredients simple is also significant in producing an excellent dish, and supplementing it with additional flavors can elevate the dish’s taste to another level. However, it is important to not overwork the dish and shape the dough appropriately before chilling it before baking. Baking it until it becomes a golden hue is crucial, and adding the final touches makes all the difference in creating a memorable meal.

Is shortbread Scottish or English?

Shortbread is a baked good that is widely admired and consumed not only within Scotland, but all across the United Kingdom. It’s also made in other countries like Ireland, Denmark, and Sweden. Although it enjoys popularity around the world, the Scottish version is the most well-known and is even exported globally.

Who makes the best shortbread in the world?

When it comes to unparalleled quality and taste, Walkers Shortbread is hard to beat. Our classic shortbread fingers are made with pure butter and are expertly baked to perfection, resulting in a heavenly buttery flavor that’s unmatched by any other brand.

What are common mistakes when making shortbread?

When making British-style pies, it is important to avoid certain mistakes to ensure they turn out perfectly. One common issue is a “soggy bottom,” which can occur if the pastry is pressed too thickly in the pan, cooked at too high of a temperature, or baked in a non-metal dish that does not distribute the heat evenly. Taking these precautions will help you avoid this pesky problem and enjoy a delicious, flaky pie crust every time.

What’s the difference between shortbread and all butter shortbread?

When it comes to cookies, there are two main variations: butter cookies and shortbread cookies. One of the differences between the two is the proportion of sugar to butter used in the recipe. Butter cookies have a higher amount of sugar and are baked at a higher temperature, while shortbread cookies incorporate more fat for a delightful melt-in-your-mouth texture.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this English Shortbread recipe is a true delight for your taste buds. With its crumbly texture and rich buttery flavor, this versatile baked good can be enjoyed any time of the day, as a snack or dessert. Whether you have a sweet tooth or not, this traditional British Shortbread will surely impress anyone looking for an authentic taste of Scotland.

With simple pantry ingredients that are easy to find, making shortbread from scratch has never been easier. You’ll be surprised at how it tastes just like the Scottish Shortbread cookies you know and love! So, whether you’re a ted lasso fan or just trying to impress your guests at your next party, give this recipe a try and let its old-fashioned charm take over.

Don’t hesitate to play around with different flour types, sugar sprinkling techniques, or added flavors such as cocoa powder or lavender extracts. The sky’s the limit when it comes to variations on this classic dish!

Lastly, don’t forget that baking is all about experimenting and having fun in the kitchen. So grab your apron and get ready to embark on a journey through the land of buttery Shortbread biscuits. Happy baking!

English Shortbread

English Shortbread Recipe

My friend ET shared this recipe with me. It's really good, I can't stop eating them. You can use any cookie cutter for it.
Course Dessert
Cuisine British
Keyword < 4 Hours, Cookie and Brownie, Dessert, Easy, For Large Groups, Lunch
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 20 minutes
Servings 60 small cookies
Calories 205.7kcal


Ingredients A (to be sifted together)

  • 150 g cornflour
  • 50 g rice flour
  • 200 g plain flour

Ingredients B

  • 250 g salted butter
  • 170 g sugar


  • Preheat oven to 160°C.
  • Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
  • Fold in all dry ingredients into the butter mixture.
  • Mix everything together, but do not overhandle the dough, or the cookie will turn out hard.
  • Chill the dough to stiffen for at least 30 minutes, and make it easier to roll.
  • Roll the dough about 1/4 inch thick, and cut into shapes using a cookie cutter.
  • Bake until lightly golden brown. (I like it brown.).


Serving: 43g | Calories: 205.7kcal | Carbohydrates: 26.9g | Protein: 1.6g | Fat: 10.3g | Saturated Fat: 6.5g | Cholesterol: 26.9mg | Sodium: 72.9mg | Fiber: 0.5g | Sugar: 8.5g

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