Mouth-Watering Cucumber Vodka Infusion Recipe

Hark! All lovers of fine spirits! Though it may seem unconventional, a cucumber infused vodka is truly a delightful concoction. It is no secret that vodka has long been a beloved spirit amongst the variety of alcoholic beverages available to us, but there are always ways to add some zest to our concoctions.

This recipe will introduce you to a marvelous infusion that brings together the best of both worlds: all the pleasures and benefits of vodka, intermingling with the delicate yet refreshing flavors of cucumber.

Picture this – on a balmy summer evening, one would be hard-pressed to find a beverage as invigorating as this cucumber infused vodka. Serve it up chilled in a tall glass with fresh herbs or fruit juices, and you’ll be ready to face any summer gathering!

So let us not hesitate any further, my fellow aficionados. Embrace the idea of trying something new: a refreshing flavor palette that will leave you with a lasting impression.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

English Cucumber Vodka Infusion
English Cucumber Vodka Infusion

Oh, my dear food lovers, let me tell you why you’ll love this recipe for the English Cucumber Vodka Infusion. If you fancy a refreshing cocktail on a hot summer day, then you shall not resist the temptation of this flavorful infused vodka. This delectable elixir carries the essence of a crisp and tender English cucumber that imbues it with an unparalleled freshness that is hard to resist.

Imagine sipping on a chilled glass of cucumber-infused vodka as your taste buds awaken with notes of cucumber bliss. The cucumber essence seeps into every inch of this velvety smooth vodka, making each sip an adventure in flavor. Trust me; once you try this recipe, it will be difficult to go back to plain vodka.

If you seek something unique and extraordinary to serve your guests at your next party, then the English Cucumber Vodka Infusion won’t disappoint. With its subtle green color and distinct taste infused with mint leaves, your guests will be lining up for more. And for those who prefer a sweeter palate, the addition of a simple syrup and lime juice will create an elegant balance of flavors they won’t soon forget.

In conclusion, this infusion recipe is not your average vodka recipe; it is instead an indulgence that is guaranteed to take your taste buds on a wild and delicious journey. So gather your ingredients, infuse some vodka, and pour yourself a glass of perfection. I promise you won’t regret it.

Ingredient List

 The perfect refreshing summer drink - English Cucumber Vodka Infusion!
The perfect refreshing summer drink – English Cucumber Vodka Infusion!

Ingredients you will need for Cucumber Vodka Infusion Recipe

To make this English Cucumber Vodka Infusion recipe, you’ll need quality vodka – it is the spirit of the cocktail – and 1 medium-sized cucumber or equivalent amount of hothouse or Armenian cucumber for maximum crispiness. If you’re looking for the best cucumber flavor, we recommend using English cucumbers. You’ll also need simple syrup, mint leaves, cold distilled water, and lime juice.

Here’s what you need to add to your grocery list:

  • 750 ml bottle of good quality vodka
  • 1 English cucumber or 2 small hothouse or Armenian cucumbers, sliced
  • 1 cup simple syrup
  • 3 cups cold distilled water
  • Juice of a lime
  • A bunch of fresh mint leaves

Note: For best results, choose fresh and high-quality ingredients.

The Recipe How-To

 Fresh ingredients are key for the best infusion flavors.
Fresh ingredients are key for the best infusion flavors.

Now let’s move on to The Recipe How-To, where I will show you how to make this delightful cucumber vodka infusion at home. This recipe is very easy to follow and requires only a few simple steps.


  • 1 English cucumber, sliced thinly

  • 750 ml bottle of good quality vodka

  • 1 cup of simple syrup (optional)

  • 1 handful of mint leaves

  • 1 lime, juiced


  1. Start by taking a large glass container with an air-tight lid that will comfortably hold the cucumber slices and the vodka.

  2. Add the thinly sliced English cucumber to the jar, followed by the handful of mint leaves.

  3. Pour the 750ml bottle of vodka over the cucumber and mint until they are covered. If necessary, add more vodka to fill up the jar completely.

  4. Seal the jar tightly with its lid and place it in a cool dark place for 7 days to allow the cucumber to infuse fully into the vodka.

  5. Once the infusion time is complete, remove the jar from its cool dark place and open it carefully.

  6. Use a strainer to strain out all of the cucumbers and mint from your infused vodka gently.

  7. If desired, you can sweeten your mixture by adding 1 cup of simple syrup that you can easily prepare by boiling one part water with one part sugar until dissolved – allow it to cool before adding it in.

  8. Before serving or storing, squeeze in lime juice as per your taste and give it a gentle stir.

  9. Your flavored cucumber-infused Vodka is now ready!

Pro Tips:

  • Use a hothouse cucumber instead of an Armenian cucumber as it has fewer seeds, and therefore it would be easier to slice thinly.

  • Make sure that your glass container is sealed perfectly; otherwise, evaporation can occur, and the water content may impact the vodka’s quality.

  • Store your cucumber-infused vodka in a cold, distilled place to maintain its quality.

  • For an additional burst of flavor, garnish with a slice of cucumber or mint leaf.

How long does the cucumber-infused vodka last?

Your cucumber-infused vodka can last up to 6 months if stored correctly in a dry, cool location.

Enjoy sipping on your homemade cucumber vodka infusion and bask in your drink-making skills!

Substitutions and Variations

 Keep your ingredients chilled before starting the infusion process for maximum results.
Keep your ingredients chilled before starting the infusion process for maximum results.

Oh how fair and lovely are the ways to vary and substitute in a recipe! Forsooth, if thou art seeking a variation on this cucumber vodka infusion recipe, I shall procure thee with some tailor-made options.

If thou desireth a dash of citrus, a squeeze of lime juice will certainly do! This will bless thy cucumber libation with a tart refreshment that delighteth taste buds. Or, for those who prefer something more herbal, thou canst opt for mint leaves – this wise choice adds a fragrant element to an already divine drink.

Should thine heart be yeasty for another type of cucumber, consider the hothouse or Armenian variety – these types will grant varying flavor profiles that elevate thy infusion experience. Aye, the power to swap one ingredient for another is within thine own hands!

Lastly, for those who seek an unconventional twist, thou canst add simple syrup to balance the drink or even opt to create a new concoction by shaking together the cucumber vodka infusion with some ice and juice – ’tis a surefire way to entice thy guests at any party.

Serving and Pairing

 Infusing your own vodka is a fun and easy way to elevate your at-home bartending game.
Infusing your own vodka is a fun and easy way to elevate your at-home bartending game.

Methinks, this cucumber-infused vodka would be a treat unto one’s taste buds! To serve this refreshing concoction, one can pour the vodka over ice in a chilled glass or in a cocktail shaker. One may add some fresh lime juice, mint leaves, or even sliced cucumbers for extra zing!

This divine infusion can stand alone as a bold but sophisticated drink, or one can pair it with delectable nibbles like smoked salmon on crackers, goat cheese crostini or even watermelon cubes with feta and balsamic drizzle. These pairings complement the cool and crisp flavors of the cucumber perfectly and will leave anyone feeling like royalty.

Thou may also try experimenting with different cocktails by adding it to iced tea or bubbly soda water along with other citrus fruits such as lemon or grapefruit. This infusion’s versatility allows for endless creativity in cocktail making that will keep guests coming back for more.

The refreshing qualities of the English cucumber vodka make it perfect for sipping on warm summer days or pairing it with light bites at a formal gathering or picnic. Rest assured, this cucumber-infused vodka is fit for any occasion and will have all those who imbibe feeling refreshed and invigorated.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Strain your infusion through a cheesecloth for a crystal-clear end result.
Strain your infusion through a cheesecloth for a crystal-clear end result.

Lovely patrons, once you have created this refreshing and delightful English Cucumber Vodka Infusion, we must discuss how best to store and serve it.

If you are planning ahead for a gathering or event where you want to showcase your cucumber-infused concoction, then you will be pleased to know that this infusion can be made up to a week in advance. After the seven days of cucumber infusion have come to a close, strain the vodka and discard the cucumber slices. Then store the infused vodka in an airtight glass container in a cool, dark space until ready to serve.

For those who may not have a week of preparation time or simply did not plan ahead as much, do not worry! There are quick cooldown options available. Chill the final product in the freezer until served, utilizing a fine strainer before serving.

As for reheating, lovely patrons, I must warn you against attempting to reheat this chilled delight. It is best served cold and refreshing, likely without requiring additional sprucing up. However, adding additional slices of cool English cucumber during service can enhance the flavor profile further.

Remember that infused vodka recipes are only as good as their base spirit – use only good quality vodka when making your cucumber infused vodka for the highest level of satisfaction when consuming.

May your cucumber-infused vodka be always well-preserved and savored amongst friends alike!

Tips for Perfect Results

 The addition of cucumber provides a subtle natural sweetness and an extra layer of freshness to the drink.
The addition of cucumber provides a subtle natural sweetness and an extra layer of freshness to the drink.

Hark! Thou art embarking on a culinary journey that shall deliver thee an infusion recipe of cucumber and vodka that is to be cherished with immense delight. To make this cucumber-infused vodka recipe remarkable, ye must heed the following tips for perfect results.

Firstly, pick the best of English cucumbers as they are crisp, juicy and contain fewer seeds as compared to other cucumbers. The flavor of your infusion ultimately depends on the quality of the vegetables used.

Secondly, use only good-quality vodka that has been distilled multiple times. This will ensure a smooth taste and allow the cucumber flavor to shine through without any harsh aftertaste.

Thirdly, slice the cucumbers uniformly before adding them to the jar. This will help release their flavors evenly and allow for quicker infusion.

Fourthly, add simple syrup to your infused mixture if you like your cocktails with a hint of sweetness. Mint leaves or lime juice can also be added for additional flavor.

Fifthly, seal the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place for at least seven days for maximum flavor infusion. Do not hasten thee by opening it too often as it can slow down the infusion process.

Finally, once ready, pour the cucumber-infused vodka through a fine-mesh strainer into a glass container and discard the cucumber slices. Pop it in the fridge for an hour or two before serving with ice.

Follow these tips and thy cucumber-infused vodka shall be nothing short of grandeur – full of delightful flavors and mouthwatering aroma that would make one feel like royalty!


To help you clear up any doubts and answer any questions you may have about this English Cucumber Vodka Infusion Recipe, here are some frequently asked questions and their respective answers that might be helpful to you. So, let’s dive in!

How long should you infuse vodka?

To add more depth and complexity to vodka, one can infuse it with different ingredients. Infusing refers to the process of steeping the spirit with various herbs, fruits or spices, which will infuse their flavors into the vodka. Though it is a straightforward process, the infusion requires time, typically lasting anywhere between 3 to 7 days, but the flavor infusion is well worth the wait.

Does cucumber vodka go bad?

The longevity of cucumber vodka largely depends on the cucumber slices added to it. While the vodka can last for a considerable period of time, up to three months if refrigerated, the cucumbers tend to spoil faster. Hence, it’s recommended to replace the cucumber slices regularly or altogether remove them and solely store the prepared vodka.

What is cucumber vodka made from?

Our cucumber-flavored vodka is made using only the freshest and ripest cucumbers. We carefully choose each cucumber and use modern distillation techniques to create small 5-gallon batches. This ensures the delicious flavor of the cucumber is preserved, with no artificial additives. This all-natural vodka can be enjoyed either straight over ice, or mixed into your preferred cocktail for a refreshing twist.

What is the best for infusing vodka?

Mixing different flavors into vodka infusions is a popular practice among bartenders and enthusiasts. Some of the most common combinations include ginger, herbs such as basil, rosemary, and mint, as well as various types of fruit, such as berries and citrus. You can experiment and see which combinations taste best – for example, ginger and basil go well together, as do ginger and lemon, and strawberries with mint.

Bottom Line

Thus, if you are looking for a refreshing and vibrant cocktail recipe that is easy to make and impresses your guests, then look no further than this English Cucumber Vodka Infusion Recipe. With just a few simple ingredients and minimal prep time, you can create an infused vodka that will make your taste buds dance with joy. The best part? You can easily customize the recipe to match your preferences by experimenting with different cucumber varieties, adding in complementary flavors such as mint leaves or lime juice or by playing around with serving suggestions.

So take the plunge and try making this cucumber-infused vodka for yourself, and indulge in a cocktail that is both sophisticated and fresh., You’ll never go back to plain vodka after tasting this flavorful creation!

English Cucumber Vodka Infusion

English Cucumber Vodka Infusion Recipe

Vodka is the perfect spirit for experimentation and handy for quick & interesting cocktails or just serve neat. My son the Mixology student shared these with me. This infusion is wonderfully refreshing in summer coolers and minimalist martini's.
Course Beverage
Cuisine English
Keyword Beverages, Easy, European, Healthy, Low Cholesterol, Low Protein, Very Low Carbs
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 21 days
Calories 1653.2kcal


  • 1 cup English cucumber, sliced
  • 1 (750 ml) bottle good quality vodka


  • Use a large, clean glass container (at least 1.5 liter) with an air tight lid.
  • Save the original Vodka bottle to strain the infused mixture into later.
  • Place the cucumber in a large glass container, add the vodka and cap tightly.
  • Let stand at room temperature for 3 weeks, shaking gently every couple of days if needed.
  • Taste for the preferred flavour intensity. If you want it stronger, let it sit for up to another week. If you let it sit longer it will go bitter.
  • Strain the infused Vodka into the original bottle.
  • Cap tightly, label and refrigerate until ready to serve.


Serving: 31g | Calories: 1653.2kcal | Carbohydrates: 3.8g | Protein: 0.7g | Fat: 0.1g | Sodium: 9.2mg | Fiber: 0.5g | Sugar: 1.7g

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