Delicious Welsh Cakes Recipe: Perfect for Tea Time

Hear me, good people! I come to you today bearing a recipe for a sweet and delightful treat. A treat that has been enjoyed for centuries by the people of Wales, and is known as Welsh Cakes. Oh, how I relish the opportunity to share with you this Traditional Welsh Cakes Recipe!

Forsooth, this recipe is as old as time itself, and it is said that it was first created to provide sustenance for Welsh miners deep in the mines of Wales. It is also believed that these cakes were produced for the celebration of St David’s Day – a day of pride and honor for the people of Wales.

Now, what are Welsh Cakes, you may ask? They are sometimes referred to as bakestones, griddle cakes or even Welsh tea cakes. They are small cake-like delights that can be described as a cross between a cookie, scone and pancake. They are typically made from flour, butter (or lard), sugar, dried fruits such as sultanas and seasoned with spices.

What makes these cakes so incredible is their ability to hold their texture. Unlike cookies or scones that can become hard and dry crumbly after baking, Welsh Cakes remain soft and moist on the inside while slightly crisp on the outside. With every bite, you can experience the sweetness of the sugar and the subtle flavor of mixed spice.

I implore you to try this recipe straight away! Treat yourself to this mouth-watering dish inspired by Welsh food heritage. Indulgence never tasted so sweet!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Traditional Welsh Cakes
Traditional Welsh Cakes

Oh fair folks, let me tell you of a recipe that will make your taste buds tingle with delight. Have you ever heard of a Welsh Cake? Let me introduce you to this heavenly treat.

For those of you who have never tasted a Welsh Cake, be prepared to fall in love. These delicious treats are a combination of a cookie, scone and pancake – all rolled into one delightful bite. Traditionally cooked on a bakestone, these delectable cakes are easy to make and oh so tasty.

What makes the Welsh Cake unique is its texture. Unlike hard, dry crumbly biscuits or overly sweet cakes, Welsh Cakes are soft, fluffy and bursting with flavor. The dried fruits add sweetness and the mixed spice adds warm notes of cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice.

If you love tea time desserts or anytime snacks, Welsh Cakes are the perfect treat for you. Picture yourself sitting down for a cup of tea on St David’s Day, indulging in warm Welsh Cakes fresh off the griddle, enjoying the feeling of warmth spreading over you from inside out.

So come ye fair maidens and gallant gentlemen, give this easy traditional Welsh Cake recipe a try. You won’t regret it – I guarantee it!

Ingredient List

 Golden brown and buttery, these Welsh Cakes are a delight to behold!
Golden brown and buttery, these Welsh Cakes are a delight to behold!

Here are the ingredients you’ll need to make these delicious traditional Welsh cakes:

Dry Ingredients

  • 225g (8oz) plain flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 75g (3oz) caster sugar
  • ½ tsp mixed spice
  • A pinch of salt

Chilled Wet Ingredients

  • 100g (4oz) margarine or butter half
  • 50g (2oz) sultanas or other dried fruits of your choice
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten

Note: Some variations include mace, which is a type of spice, to give it more flavor. Also known as bakestones, welsh cakes were traditionally cooked on a hot flat stone or a griddle. Nowadays, people use a frying pan or a griddle pan to cook them.

The Recipe How-To

 A bite of perfection in every piece of these tempting biscuits!
A bite of perfection in every piece of these tempting biscuits!

Now that we have gone through the ingredient list, let us move on to the how-to for this traditional Welsh cakes recipe.

Step 1 – Preparing the Dough

In a large mixing bowl, sift together the 225g of plain flour, 1/2 tsp of baking powder, and 1 tsp of mixed spice. Then add in 100g of butter and rub it into the dry ingredients with your fingertips until it forms fine breadcrumbs.

Next, stir in 75g of caster sugar and 50g of sultanas. Be sure to evenly distribute the sultanas throughout the mixture.

Step 2 – Adding the Egg

Make a well in the centre of your mixture and add in one egg. Mix everything together to form a soft dough.

Step 3 – Cutting Out the Cakes

Roll out your dough on a lightly floured surface to about 1cm thickness. Use a round cookie cutter to cut out the cakes. Re-roll any scraps of dough and continue cutting until you have used it all up.

Step 4 – Cooking Them Up

Heat up a flat griddle or frying pan over medium heat. Grease it lightly with some butter.

Cook each cake for around three minutes each side, they should be golden brown when ready.

Step 5 – Serving Them Up

Serve your warm Welsh cakes with a generous sprinkle of caster sugar on top, alongside some fresh berries and whipped cream, or just simply as they are.



  • Mixing your ingredients thoroughly is key to achieving a light and soft texture.
  • If you prefer a harder, denser texture to your Welsh cakes, replace half of the butter with an equal amount of lard or baking margarine.
  • Make sure you allow enough time for your Welsh cakes to cook thoroughly on each side – this helps to prevent them from being hard and dry in the center.

Substitutions and Variations

 Served warm or cold, they're a pretty impressive snack you won't want to miss!
Served warm or cold, they’re a pretty impressive snack you won’t want to miss!

Hark! Whilst this recipe for traditional Welsh cakes is scrumptious on its own accord, one may experiment and spice it up with a few substitutions and variations.

First of all, for a healthier take on the recipe, one can substitute margarine with unsalted butter or coconut oil. This would add a delightful taste to the cakes.

For those who do not fancy dried fruits such as sultanas or raisins, they could try adding in some currants or chopped dates instead.

Should you desire a gluten-free version of these cakes, swap out the self-raising or plain flour with gluten-free flour. Be sure to also add in xanthan or guar gum to bind the mixture together.

It is also possible to create savoury Welsh cakes by eliminating the sugar from the recipe. Then, toss in some shredded cheese or minced herbs like thyme and rosemary. These savoury delights make great appetizers at any festive occasion.

To make your traditional Welsh

Serving and Pairing

 Perfect tea-time pleasure with a hearty texture and a delightfully crispy edge.
Perfect tea-time pleasure with a hearty texture and a delightfully crispy edge.

Welsh Cakes are a traditional baked good that makes for a perfect accompaniment to afternoon tea or as an after-dinner dessert. A warm Welsh Cake pairs wonderfully with a freshly brewed hot tea or coffee.

For serving, I recommend dusting a generous amount of caster sugar on top of the cakes as a finishing touch. To elevate the experience, serve them warm with some clotted cream or butter. You can also serve them plain and let their intense flavor speak for itself.

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to try something new, you can also pair Welsh Cakes with raspberry preserve or other fruit preserves for a sweet and tangy flavor combination.

These little treats can be enjoyed at any time of the day, and they make for an excellent snack when you’re on-the-go or looking for something light and quick to munch on.

So give this authentic Welsh dish a try, and enjoy the melt-in-the-mouth texture of these delicious cakes with your favorite drink or accompaniment – truly a taste of Wales in every bite!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 They're comforting, nostalgic, and a cultural staple on every Welsh home.
They’re comforting, nostalgic, and a cultural staple on every Welsh home.

Good cooks know that careful planning is the key to success. When it comes to Welsh cakes, it’s no different! These delectable and easy-to-make cakes can be made ahead and stored for later enjoyment.

If you’re short on time, you can prepare the dough and keep it in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours before cooking. This allows you to have fresh Welsh cakes without the fuss of preparing the dough last minute. You can also make a large batch of cooked Welsh cakes and store them in an airtight container for up to 3 days. This makes them perfect for snacking, breakfast or dessert on the go.

When reheating, place the Welsh cakes in a toaster or under a low grill until they are warm throughout. Alternatively, you can microwave them for 10-15 seconds each.

One important tip for storing Welsh cakes: Do not refrigerate or freeze them as this can lead to hard, dry and crumbly cakes that don’t taste as good as anticipated. Storing them in an airtight container at room temperature is the way to go.

Welsh cakes truly are a perfect treat any time of day and for any occasion, whether it’s St. David’s Day, celebrating your Welsh heritage or simply enjoying a warm cup of tea with friends and family. By following these make-ahead, storing and reheating tips, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this traditional Welsh delicacy.

Tips for Perfect Results

 A beautiful scent of cinnamon, nutmeg and butter will fill your kitchen with warmth and sweetness!
A beautiful scent of cinnamon, nutmeg and butter will fill your kitchen with warmth and sweetness!

We all want our Welsh cakes to turn out perfectly, don’t we? Here are some tips to help you make sure your traditional Welsh cakes come out just right every time:

Firstly, to ensure your Welsh cakes are light and fluffy, use self-raising flour or add 1 tsp of baking powder per 225g of plain flour. It will help produce a nice, airy texture.

Secondly, make sure you cut the butter or margarine into small pieces when mixing it into the flour. This will help distribute the fat evenly and facilitate the formation of crumbly texture.

Thirdly, it is vital not to over-knead the dough. Kneading too long may result in hard, dry cakes. You just need to bring the dough together until it’s smooth consistency enough to roll, typically no more than a minute or two.

Fourthly, cook your Welsh cakes on a medium heat. Cooking them on high heat will result in them burning before they’ve had a chance to cook through completely. They should be toasted brown on each side and they should no longer be doughy in the centre.

Fifthly, keep an eye on Welsh cakes when cooking them because they can burn pretty quickly if not watched carefully.

Lastly, if making plenty of Welsh cakes for an event or holiday meal and plan ahead time, consider freezing’s easier for you to thaw than it is to make giant batches all at once. However, this method may cause them to become slightly stale once unfrozen. A damp paper towel surrounding the cake while heating will moisten it back up nicely.

By following these simple tips anyone can create delicious and authentic traditional Welsh cakes that taste like they have been made by an artisan baker.


My dear readers, I understand that sometimes while following a recipe, some doubts may arise along the way. That’s why in this section, I will answer some frequently asked questions to make sure that you can master this traditional Welsh Cakes Recipe with ease. So let’s dive into these questions and clear any doubts that may come to mind.

What are traditional Welsh cakes made of?

The tasty Welsh cakes are a delectable treat made using a combination of flour, either butter or lard, eggs, currants, milk, and spices like nutmeg and cinnamon. These circular cakes are approximately 7-8 cm in diameter and 1-1.5 cm in thickness. These can be served either hot or cold and perhaps sprinkled with caster sugar to add more sweetness to the already delicious cakes.

What makes a Welsh cake Welsh?

Hailing from the land of Wales in the United Kingdom, Welsh Cakes are a fusion of a cookie, a scone, and a pancake. Yet, their flavor and consistency are one-of-a-kind and simply incomparable to other baked goods.

What is the difference between a scone and a Welsh cake?

If you’re familiar with the English scone, then you might consider the Welsh cake as its flat relative. These cakes are circular and around 8 centimetres in width and 1 centimetre in thickness. Essentially, they consist of dried fruits, nutmeg, milk, eggs, and a combination of flour and either lard or butter.

What is traditional Welsh cake called?

A beloved teatime delicacy in Wales is known as Welsh Cakes, or Pice ar y maen in Welsh. This recipe has been handed down through families across many generations, and it remains just as well-loved today. Welsh cakes are also commonly referred to as griddle cakes or bakestones, given that they are typically cooked on a bakestone or griddle pan, known in Welsh as maen or planc.

What is the difference between Eccles cakes and Welsh cakes?

Welsh Cakes are reminiscent of Eccles Cakes, but they differ in appearance as they are a bit flatter and not filled. This British dish requires a griddle or a bake stone for cooking and may seem complex at first, but with practice, it becomes as easy as a piece of cake.

Why are my Welsh cakes dry?

If you faced the issue of Welsh Cakes turning out hard, dry or crumbly, chances are that the mixture you used was not moist enough. In such situations, it is advisable to add a small amount of milk to the mix. Doing so will help soften the mixture and prevent the cakes from turning out to be hard and dry.

Bottom Line

Hark, good people! Mark my words, for I have shared with thee a recipe for the delectable traditional Welsh Cakes that shall leave thee craving for more. These cakes are a symbol of Welsh heritage, and they offer a unique combination of flavors that the world must experience.

Be it St David’s day, or any other occasion, these cakes will bring joy to thy heart when thou partake of them. And fear not, for I have given thee detailed instructions on how to make them perfectly. Remember to make use of the substitutions and variations in case of unavailability of certain ingredients. And above all, do not forget to pair these cakes with some traditional Welsh tea.

So hearken unto my words and embark on this culinary journey to taste the flavors of Wales. Thou shall not regret giving it a try. These cakes have been enjoyed for generations, and ’tis high time they spread their wings across the seas for all to indulge in.

Therefore, I bid you farewell and urge thee to gather thy ingredients and bake away until thou art sated with these scrumptious treats. Farewell!

Traditional Welsh Cakes

Traditional Welsh Cakes Recipe

This is the recipe my Aunt has been using since moving to Wales in the early 1950s. I have no idea where she got it from. These are delicious served warm just as they are. This makes loads, I've never actually counted them so yield is a guestimate.
Course Dessert
Cuisine Welsh
Keyword < 60 Mins, Easy, European, Lunch
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Servings 40 cakes
Calories 123.1kcal


  • 1 lb self raising flour
  • 1/2 lb margarine
  • 1/2 lb caster sugar
  • 1/2 lb sultana
  • 1 egg


  • Mix together the flour and margerine until it resembles fine breadcrumbs.
  • Add the sugar, fruit and egg and mix well until stiff, this is best done by getting your hands in and getting messy.
  • Roll out dough and cut into approximately 2 " circles about 1/4 " thick.
  • Lightly butter a griddle pan and heat on a low heat then cook the cakes until lightly brown. Take care as it takes a bit of practice to know when they are cooked in the middle without burning the edges.


Serving: 1185g | Calories: 123.1kcal | Carbohydrates: 18.9g | Protein: 1.6g | Fat: 4.8g | Saturated Fat: 0.9g | Cholesterol: 5.3mg | Sodium: 56.2mg | Fiber: 0.5g | Sugar: 9.1g

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