Delicious British Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe

Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? Today, I am about to present to you a recipe that will leave you gobsmacked. It is a traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding recipe that will satisfy your sweet tooth like nothing else can.

As an experienced chef specializing in British cuisine, let me tell you that this pudding is not your average dessert. It is made with day-old white bread, softened butter, creamy custard, and a generous sprinkling of sultanas (or dried fruit) that come together to create an indulgent dish.

This pudding has been a favorite of the British for centuries, and it’s my pleasure to share with you the recipe that embodies the very essence of Britain. So, brace yourselves for a culinary journey through time as we venture into the world of traditional British baked goods.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding
Traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding

Fellow food enthusiasts, let me share with you the glory of the Traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding recipe. You might be thinking, “Why bother with this age-old dish when we have an endless array of desserts available?” Well, let me tell you, this classic dessert is enduringly popular for a reason.

Firstly, this pudding is the ultimate comfort food. With its pillowy texture and buttery goodness, it will give you the warm fuzzies even on the coldest of days. But don’t be fooled by its humble appearance – its rich egg custard and bread soaked in cream and sugar are simply divine.

On top of that, it’s an extremely versatile dessert. You can serve it hot or cold, with ice cream or custard or nothing at all! The option to add sultanas (or any dried fruit for that matter) gives you even more flexibility to personalize this recipe to your own taste.

And let’s not forget that this is a budget-friendly option as well. The ingredients are all straightforward and most likely already in your pantry – some slices of stale bread and a few eggs and dairy products are all it takes. You won’t have to break the bank to make this delicious treat!

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly believe that once you’ve tried the Traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding recipe, you’ll agree that it’s a simple yet indulgent dessert that deserves a place in everyone’s recipe arsenal. So go ahead, give it a try and taste the comfort and versatility of this classic pudding for yourself!

Ingredient List

 Let the aroma of this classic British dessert take you on a journey down memory lane.
Let the aroma of this classic British dessert take you on a journey down memory lane.

Let’s start with the ingredients that you’ll need to create this traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding. This recipe is perfect for using up day-old bread, and it acts as a delicious base for a dessert that is both satisfying and easy to create. Be sure to gather these ingredients ahead of time to ensure your pudding is infused with flavor and delicious sweet notes. Remember, substitutions can be made as necessary, so don’t fret if you’re missing one or two items from this list:


  • 10 slices of white bread, crusts removed
  • 2 tbsp butter, softened
  • 2 oz sultanas
  • 600 ml full-fat milk
  • 3 free-range eggs
  • 3 Tbsp. granulated sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod or 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • butter (plus extra for greasing)

Note: If you’d like to make this pudding with whole wheat or brioche bread, feel free to do so. Additionally, dried fruit such as raisins can be substituted in place of sultanas.

The Recipe How-To

 Share a slice of history with every serving of this British staple!
Share a slice of history with every serving of this British staple!

Now that we have all the necessary ingredients for this Traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe, let’s dive in to the steps on how to make this delicious dessert.

Preparing the Bread and Butter

First, take 10 slices of day-old white bread and remove the crusts. Then, butter each slice with 3 tablespoons of softened unsalted butter, making sure to spread it all over. Cut the bread into 4 triangles.

Next, place a layer of bread in a buttered oven dish, with the buttered side facing upwards. Spread 2 oz of sultanas over the bread followed by another layer of buttered bread. Continue to layer the bread triangles and sultanas until there are no more left.

Creating and Adding Egg Custard Mixture

To make the custard mixture, beat together 3 free-range eggs in a bowl with 50 g (2 oz) of sugar, then mix in 600 ml (1 pint) of whole milk and a scraped out vanilla pod or 1 tsp vanilla extract.

Gradually pour this mixture over the layered bread in the oven dish until it is completely soaked through. Let it sit for about 20 minutes, so that the custard is fully absorbed into the bread.


Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F). Put the oven dish into a larger roasting tin and pour enough hot water from the kettle around the edges to come halfway up the sides of the oven dish.

Bake for approximately 45-50 minutes, or until golden brown on top and set throughout.

Serving and Pairing

This traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding is best served warm with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream or drizzled with double cream.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

This pudding can be made the day before and refrigerated overnight until ready to bake. Once baked, this dessert can be stored in an airtight container for up to 2 days.

To reheat the British Bread and Butter Pudding, place it in the oven at 160°C (320°F) for approximately 20 minutes until heated through.

Tips for Perfect Results

  • Use day-old white bread or brioche bread for best results.
  • Don’t forget to remove the crusts before buttering the bread slices.
  • Soak the bread properly in the custard mixture so it’s entirely absorbed.
  • Add a pinch of cinnamon or other spices to your liking for extra flavor.
  • To make individual-sized puddings, use ramekins instead of a large oven dish.

By following these instructions, you will have created a delicious and authentic British dessert that everyone will love!

Substitutions and Variations

 Sink your fork into the perfect balance of crispy and soft textures in every bite.
Sink your fork into the perfect balance of crispy and soft textures in every bite.

If you want to add a bit of flair to the traditional British bread and butter pudding recipe, here are some substitutions and variations you can try:

– Sultanas: If you don’t like sultanas or raisins, try swapping them out for other dried fruit like cherries, cranberries, chopped apricots or dates. You can also experiment with fresh fruit like sliced apples, pears, peaches or berries.

– Milk: You can substitute whole milk with low-fat or skimmed milk if you want to reduce the fat content. Alternatively, use cream or coconut milk for added richness and creaminess.

– Bread: You can use any type of bread for this recipe. Try using day-old brioche bread, rustic sourdough bread or your own homemade bread for a more rustic flavour. You can also experiment with adding different types of bread like croissants or hot cross buns for a unique take on the classic pudding.

– Custard: The custard mixture can be flavored with cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, orange zest or other spices to give it a new twist. You could also add a splash of brandy, rum or whisky for an adult’s only version.

– Toppings: After layering the bread and custard mixture in the oven dish, sprinkle demerara sugar over the top for extra sweetness and crunch. Add slivered almonds or chopped pecans for texture and flavor.

Remember that these substitutions and variations are just suggestions – feel free to mix and match as you like to create your perfect bread pudding recipe.

Serving and Pairing

 Not your average bread pudding--let the layers of buttery bread and sultanas dance on your taste buds.
Not your average bread pudding–let the layers of buttery bread and sultanas dance on your taste buds.

Now that your traditional British bread and butter pudding is out of the oven and has had time to cool slightly, it’s time to serve and enjoy!

This classic dessert is best served warm, just after it has been baked to perfection. It is often enjoyed as a comforting and satisfying sweet treat after a hearty meal or on special occasions, such as Christmas or Easter.

For an extra touch of sweetness, you can dust the top of your bread and butter pudding with a sprinkle of powdered sugar before serving. Or, if you prefer a more decadent approach, serve topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a drizzle of homemade custard.

When it comes to pairing this delicious dessert, the options are endless! For a classic British experience, pair with a warm cup of tea or coffee. You can also opt for a glass of sweet sherry or port to enhance the richness of the dish.

If you’re feeling adventurous, try pairing your bread and butter pudding with a fruity dessert wine or a fresh berry compote for added texture and acidity.

Regardless of how you choose to enjoy your traditional British bread and butter pudding, savour each bite and let this comforting dish take you on a culinary journey through time.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Step into the comfort of a British home with this simple yet decadent pudding.
Step into the comfort of a British home with this simple yet decadent pudding.

Once you’ve made your Traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding, there are a few ways to store and reheat it depending on your preferences.

If you’re not planning on eating the pudding right away, you can keep it in the fridge for up to 3 days. Simply cover the baking dish with cling film or aluminum foil and refrigerate.

To reheat the pudding, you can use either a microwave or an oven. If you’re using a microwave, cut a slice of the pudding and place it in a microwave-safe dish. Heat it up for about 30 seconds on medium heat, but check the temperature after every 15 seconds to ensure that it doesn’t get too hot.

If you’re using an oven, preheat it to 180°C (350°F) and reheat the entire dish for 10-15 minutes or until heated through. You may want to add a little extra cream or milk to prevent the bread from drying out during the reheating process.

If you’d like to make this dessert ahead of time, let the pudding cool completely after baking and then cover tightly with aluminum foil or cling film before freezing. This way, it will stay fresh for up to three months. To reheat your frozen pudding, simply pop it into a preheated oven at 180°C (350°F) for 25-30 minutes or until piping hot throughout.

One important point to note is that when reheating bread pudding, sometimes moisture evaporates leaving them dry so consider serving with crème anglaise, whipped cream or ice cream as these serve as a great accompaniment.

Tips for Perfect Results

 With just a few ingredients, transform day-old bread into a heavenly dessert!
With just a few ingredients, transform day-old bread into a heavenly dessert!

In my experience, British Bread and Butter Pudding recipe, although simple, can be a bit tricky to make. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you achieve the perfect results every time.

Firstly, use good quality bread. The better quality bread you use, the better your pudding will turn out. I recommend using stale white bread or brioche.

Secondly, don’t be shy with the butter. Using softened butter on each slice of bread will add extra flavour and richness to the final product.

Thirdly, mix up the dried fruits. While sultanas are traditional in this recipe, any dried fruit can be used such as cherries or currants. Dried apricots or cranberries are an excellent variation.

Fourthly, layer the ingredients carefully. Layering the bread and dried fruit in the oven dish helps prevent clumping of ingredients and ensures that each bite is evenly distributed.

Fifthly, let the custard mixture sit before baking. After pouring it over the layered bread and fruit mixture, allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes before baking so that it can soak into every layer of bread.

Sixthly, don’t overheat the milk mixture. Overheating the milk mixture could cause your custard to become grainy so be careful not to overheat it.

Lastly, let it rest before serving. Letting the pudding cool for 10-15 minutes after removing it from the oven is essential as it allows the custard to set and makes slicing easier.

By following these tips, you are guaranteed to get a delicious Traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding every time!


As with any recipe, there may be some questions or concerns that arise while following the instructions. To help you have the best experience possible making this traditional British bread and butter pudding, here are some frequently asked questions and their answers.

How do you make Jamie Oliver bread and butter pudding?

To make this creamy and rich British dessert, you’ll need a combination of semi-skimmed and double cream, along with some single cream to create a smooth texture. A vanilla pod will add a fragrant note to the mixture, perfectly complementing the sweetness of the caster sugar and eggs. Sliced hot cross buns, spread with a generous amount of butter, will serve as the base for our mix.

How do you make Nigella bread and butter pudding?

For this recipe, I recommend gathering 50 grams of sultanas (although this is optional) and 3 tablespoons of either dark rum or Grand Marnier (also optional). You will need a brioche loaf that is sliced, 8 tablespoons of unsalted butter that has been softened, and 12 tablespoons of ginger preserve or marmalade (or 6 tablespoons of each). Additionally, you will require 4 free-range egg yolks, 1 free-range egg, and 3 tablespoons of sugar.

What makes a pudding in England?

The term “pudding” has different interpretations in American and British cuisine. In the United States, it can refer to a dessert dish similar to what the British would label as “custard.” On the other hand, in British cooking, a pudding can refer to both sweet and savory dishes that are boiled or steamed inside varying containers, such as a dish, cloth, or even an animal’s intestine.

What country is bread and butter pudding from?

A classic British dessert, the bread and butter pudding, involves layering slices of buttered bread and raisins in a baking dish, covering them with a spice-infused egg custard mixture, and baking the whole thing until it’s golden brown and delicious.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, I urge you to give this traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding recipe a try. With its simple and comforting flavors, it’s the perfect dessert to enjoy any time of the year. The soft buttered bread scattered with sultanas layered in an oven dish with an egg custard mixture creates a classic taste that will leave you wanting more.

As a chef specializing in British cuisine, I can assure you that this recipe is as authentic as it gets. It’s a staple in most British households and is even served at some of the finest restaurants in the country. So if you really want to impress your guests or treat yourself to a bowl of deliciousness, then look no further than this recipe.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with variations and substitutions either! Whether you use whole wheat bread or brioche, add some dried fruit or sprinkle some cinnamon on top, there are endless ways to make this pudding your own. Serve it hot with a dollop of homemade ice cream or cold for breakfast the next day – the possibilities are endless.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your baking utensils ready and start creating memories with this timeless recipe. Once you savor the richness of this classic British bread pudding, it will surely become one of your favorite desserts.

Traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding

Traditional British Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe

This is my mums recipe which she has been cookin since the early 1950s, I've asked her where she got it from but its been that long she can't remember; I had cravings for this whilst recently pregnant and religiously cooked one on a Sunday which I ate all to myself as DH was on a diet and my daughter decided she didn't like it without trying it (typical 5 yr old!) I usually don't measure the sugar or sultanas which are scattered over the bread and just guess it, it all depends on how sweet your tooth is. Prep time includes standing time.
Course Dessert
Cuisine British
Keyword < 4 Hours, Dessert, European, Healthy
Prep Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Calories 387.4kcal


  • 4 slices bread, buttered and crusts removed
  • 4 ounces sultanas
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 pint milk
  • 2 ounces sugar


  • Cut the buttered bread slices into quarters and arrange half in an ovenproof dish.
  • Scatter over half the sultanas and 2 tbsp sugar.
  • Repeat with the second layer of bread and scatter over remaining sultanas and 2 tbsp sugar.
  • Make the custard by beating the eggs with the 2 oz sugar and milk.
  • Pour over the bread.
  • Leave to stand for approx an hour.
  • Cook at 150 C for approx an hour until the custard is set, make sure the oven isn't too hot as the custard will curdle.


Serving: 239g | Calories: 387.4kcal | Carbohydrates: 67.9g | Protein: 11.6g | Fat: 9g | Saturated Fat: 4.2g | Cholesterol: 156.6mg | Sodium: 244.4mg | Fiber: 1.7g | Sugar: 44.7g

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