Classic English Pudding Recipe You’ll Crave Today

Indulge me for a moment, dear readers, as I take you on a journey to the heart of traditional British cuisine. As a chef specializing in this fine gastronomy, I am always on the lookout for recipes that capture the essence of this rich and diverse culinary heritage. And today, I have come across a recipe that truly speaks to my soul – Grandma’s English Pudding Recipe.

This recipe is the ultimate testament to everything that makes British cooking great – hearty, comforting and richly flavored dishes that have stood the test of time. Passed down from generation to generation, this pudding recipe is packed with spices, dried fruits, and a secret ingredient that gives it that extra oomph – suet.

Now, I know you may be thinking, suet? But trust me on this one – it’s worth it. The suet gives the pudding a tender texture and infuses it with flavor like nothing else. Combined with the mix of raisins, currants sultanas and mixed peel along with spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, vanilla and sugar it’s no wonder why this traditional English dish is an essential part of any celebration.

So buckle up and join me on a journey to simpler times filled with authentic flavors by diving headfirst into this old-fashioned Christmas pudding recipe passed down from Grandma herself.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Grandma's English Pudding
Grandma’s English Pudding

English cuisine is rich with flavors that will tantalize your taste buds, and one dish that stands out from the rest is a traditional English pudding. My Grandma’s English Pudding recipe is one of the best puddings around, and you’ll love it for a number of reasons.

Firstly, this pudding recipe is as traditional as it gets. I learned this recipe from my grandmother and tweaked it slightly to create a bursting flavor that cannot be found in any other pudding recipe. One bite of this pudding can transport you to an old-fashioned English Christmas dinner table.

Secondly, this pudding is versatile enough to satisfy a variety of taste preferences. Whether you’re a fan of raisins and currants or prefer mixed peel, this recipe has something for everyone. The cake-like texture combined with the subtle spices and dried fruit creates an explosion of flavor in every bite.

Lastly, at its core, this English Pudding Recipe celebrates the joy of cooking and family traditions. Made with love and steeped in history, this recipe is passed down from generation to generation – which truly makes it even more special!

So why will you love this pudding? It’s deliciously traditional, caters to various tastes, and simply brings families together – all these ingredients come together perfectly for a “wow” moment when you take that first mouth-watering bite!

Ingredient List

 One bite will transport you to Grandma's kitchen, filled with love and tradition.
One bite will transport you to Grandma’s kitchen, filled with love and tradition.

Here are the recipe ingredients you need to make my grandma’s English pudding recipe:

  • 2 cups of plain flour
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 package of suet (approximately 1/2 cup)
  • 1 cup of mixed peel
  • 1 cup of raisins
  • 1 cup of currants
  • 1 cup of sultanas
  • 1/2 cup of dried apricots
  • 1/2 cup of prunes
  • 1/2 cup of cherries
  • 1/2 cup of breadcrumbs made from leftover bread (any type will do)
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup of white sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon
  • A pinch of nutmeg and allspice
  • Zest from one lemon and one orange

For the sauce:

  • 4 cups of water
  • 4 tablespoons of butter, melted
  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch
  • ½ cup of brown sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract

As you can see, this traditional English pudding recipe calls for a variety of dried fruits and mixed spices, making it a filling and flavorful dessert, perfect for Christmas or any time you’re in the mood for something sweet. Don’t worry if you don’t have access to all the ingredients listed above; I’ll provide substitutions and variations in other sections.

The Recipe How-To

 A dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream is the perfect accompaniment to this nostalgic dessert.
A dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream is the perfect accompaniment to this nostalgic dessert.

Now, let’s dive into the most important part – how to make this Grandma’s English Pudding recipe. It may seem daunting at first, but once you’ve got it mastered, it will become a beloved holiday tradition.

Step 1: Preparing the Pudding Mixture
In a large mixing bowl, stir together 2 cups of plain flour, 1 cup of suet, 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and ½ teaspoon of salt. Once these ingredients are combined, add in 1 cup each of raisins, currants, and sultanas along with ½ cup of mixed peel.

Step 2: Making the Batter
Next, in another mixing bowl whisk 2 beaten eggs until light and frothy. Slowly mix in a combination of water and milk (1 quart total) until everything is evenly combined. Add in melted butter (1 stick) and vanilla extract (1 teaspoon). Pour this batter mixture on top of your dry ingredients mixture.

Step 3: Steaming Process
Now it is time to steam the pudding. In a buttered pudding basin that fits all your pudding ingredients (4 – 6 cups), pour in the above mixture. Put some foil or parchment paper above the mixture so it doesn’t get watery during boiling. Steam for no less than 5 hours then remove from heat.

Step 4: Storing
After {percent or number} minutes of steaming let cool slightly and put in either an air-tight container or rewrap securely using wax paper or cling wrap after removing from pudding basin.

Prepare the pudding right now or store for later to enjoy during Christmas time or Sunday dinners. When you’re ready to serve it up, steam the pudding for another hour prior and gently scoop out servings.


Substitutions and Variations

 With its creamy texture and rich, fruity flavors, this pudding is a crowd pleaser.
With its creamy texture and rich, fruity flavors, this pudding is a crowd pleaser.

If you’re looking for ways to make the Grandma’s English Pudding recipe a little different, or for substitutions that work just as well, then read on. With some minor tweaks to the recipe ingredients, you can end up with a whole new take on this traditional English dessert.

Firstly, if you don’t have suet handy, then you can substitute it with an equal amount of unsalted butter. While the suet lends a rich and moist texture to the pudding recipe, butter will give your dessert a smoother finish akin to an old fashioned cake. You might also want to try replacing some of the butter with mashed bananas or apple sauce for a more fruity twist.

If the thought of using cornstarch makes you skeptical or if it isn’t available in your pantry, you can swap it for an equal amount of all-purpose flour instead. This easy ingredient substitution results in a slightly denser pudding; but it still turns out delicious.

The spices used in this grandma christmas pudding recipe are mostly limited to cinnamon and nutmeg. But depending on how bold you want your spices to be, you could consider adding in closer-to-home flavors like cloves, ginger or one called “mixed spice” which is popular in British cuisine. For a more luxurious feel, try using vanilla bean paste instead of vanilla extract.

Finally, when it comes to dried fruits, currants and raisins make up most of what is required in traditional Christmas pudding recipes; yet sultanas and mixed peel are common too. Feel free to swap out quantities according to availability or preference. Adding cranberries or dried cherries can give your pudding extra zinginess, while prunes give it a deeper flavor.

Using these substitutions and variations ensures that there is something for everyone’s taste preferences- from a soft crumbly texture of bread pudding added with milk 1:1 (1 cup milk and 1 cup bread) to an addition of exotic flavor with ingredients like malva pudding, sticky toffee pudding or even trifle. You can also make recipes for variations like rice pudding or corn pudding, as closely related to British Christmas puddings. The possibilities are endless — embrace your inner chef and experiment!

Serving and Pairing

 Perfect for a cozy night in, or as the grand finale to your Sunday roast.
Perfect for a cozy night in, or as the grand finale to your Sunday roast.

Grandma’s English Pudding is a traditional British dessert that is often served during the holiday season. It’s a hearty and rich dish that pairs perfectly with a variety of accompaniments.

One popular way to serve English pudding is to top it with a dollop of whipped cream or custard sauce. The creamy texture of the topping contrasts perfectly with the dense and cake-like texture of the pudding itself. You can also sprinkle some cinnamon or nutmeg on top to add some warmth and depth to the dish.

Another option is to serve it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The cool and creamy ice cream adds a refreshing contrast to the warm and spicy pudding. Plus, who doesn’t love ice cream?

If you’re feeling particularly indulgent, you can also pour some warmed brandy or rum over your English pudding. This not only adds an extra layer of flavor but also adds a bit of fun as you set it alight at the table for a dramatic finish.

To complement the richness of the English pudding, consider pairing it with a robust cup of tea or coffee. The strong and bold flavors will cut through the sweetness of the pudding and provide the perfect balance.

Overall, there’s no shortage of delicious ways to serve and pair Grandma’s English Pudding – just let your taste buds be your guide!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 A generous dusting of powdered sugar adds a touch of elegance to this humble dish.
A generous dusting of powdered sugar adds a touch of elegance to this humble dish.

One of the best things about Grandma’s English Pudding recipe is that it can be made well ahead of time, making it a perfect choice for holidays and special occasions. In fact, it is recommended that you make the pudding recipe a few weeks in advance, as this allows the flavors to meld together and become more complex.

Once the pudding is cooked and has cooled completely, it can be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Some families even have traditions of hanging the Christmas pudding in a muslin cloth for a few weeks to allow it to mature further.

When ready to serve, you can reheat the pudding by steaming it again for 2-3 hours. Alternatively, you can microwave individual portions of the pudding for 1-2 minutes until heated through.

It is important to note that if you are storing your English Pudding recipe for an extended period of time, you should check on it periodically to ensure that it hasn’t dried out. If the pudding appears to be dry, you can add a bit of brandy or another type of alcohol to moisten it.

Overall, with its ability to be made ahead of time and stored for an extended period, Grandma’s English Pudding recipe is not only delicious but also convenient for any host or hostess looking to serve their guests something special without worrying about last-minute preparations.

Tips for Perfect Results

 The sweet aroma fills your home
The sweet aroma fills your home

Preparing a perfect English pudding can be a delicate task for many novice cooks. As someone who has been perfecting my grandmother’s recipe for years, I have developed some useful tips that will help ensure your pudding comes out moist, flavorful, and perfect every time. Here are some tips worth trying:

Firstly, make sure to give yourself plenty of time in the kitchen as this recipe takes several hours from start to finish. The last thing you want is to be rushed and flustered causing mistakes to occur.

Another important tip is the use of a kitchen scale to measure ingredients precisely. To achieve that texture of a cake-like consistency without it being too dry or too moist, it is necessary to measure all ingredients precisely. Additionally, when measuring flour, avoid packing it down, and instead scoop the flour into the measuring cups with a spoon.

While making the pudding mixture, adding too much liquid or too little cornstarch can lead to the recipe being too runny or not setting up properly. So follow the recipe exactly for the best results.

It’s also essential to grease your cooking dish thoroughly before pouring your batter into it. This way, it won’t stick and will slide right out of the dish onto your plate.

Finally, after cooking your pudding do not just leave it sitting out at room temperature longer than an hour or two; instead, store your pudding in an air-tight container inside your refrigerator for up to a week. When ready to serve again, reheat in a steamer over low heat allowing steam built up to circulate ensuring its moistness.

By following these simple tips and being patient when preparing this traditional British dessert, you will get incredible results that will impress even the most conventional diners!


Now that you have all the details and secrets to prepare an English pudding recipe, it is time to clarify any doubts before you get started with your preparations. Below I provide answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about making this classic British dessert, so you can be confident in your pudding-making skills.

What is traditional English pudding made of?

This classic English sweet treat, made of breadcrumbs, flour, suet, sugar, eggs, brandy, lemon zest, candied citrus peel, spices, and a mixture of raisins, currants, and golden raisins, is commonly known by any of these three names. It is steamed and has a cake-like texture.

What pudding is made for the Queen?

This dessert recipe features a traditional British pudding made with tangy lemon and crunchy amaretti trifle. The dish was crafted by Jemma Melvin in honor of the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign.

What is in the Queen’s Christmas pudding?

When it comes to making a classic Christmas pudding, the recipe from the Royal Kitchens calls for a blend of distinct dried fruits, such as raisins, currants, and sultanas, along with mixed peel. The conventional recipe also involves incorporating an intriguing trio of alcohol, which consists of beer, dark rum, and brandy.

What was the original Christmas pudding?

Back in the day, what we now call pudding used to be a soup-like dish known as pottage. This concoction consisted of dried fruits like raisins, spices, and wine, with breadcrumbs or almond powder to thicken it up. Surprisingly, it also had some meat or meat broth, making it similar to the old-style mince pies.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, Grandma’s English Pudding Recipe is a wonderful choice for any special occasion or holiday meal. The British Christmas tradition of preparing a pudding is a way to bring family and friends together, and this recipe provides the perfect opportunity to do so. This recipe has been passed down for generations and will continue to be enjoyed for years to come.

There are many reasons why you’ll love this recipe, and I encourage you to give it a try. The array of delicious flavors such as raisins, cinnamon, mixed peel, spices, and vanilla create an irresistible aroma that fills your home with warmth and comfort.

The recipe may seem complex at first glance, yet once the final product is on the table, it will all have been worth it. With its cake-like texture and flavorful ingredients, this pudding is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to experiment with substitutions and variations of the Grandma’s English Pudding Recipe ingredients. You’re certainly free to make different types of puddings including plum pudding or bread pudding which are true British Christmas classics.

Remember that practice makes perfect. Just keep practicing and you will soon master this traditional English dessert. With patience and care in following the steps listed in this recipe article you will have tremendous success.

In summary, Grandma’s English Pudding Recipe is a must-try for anyone seeking an old-fashioned, traditional English dessert that never goes out of style. So go ahead and give it a try during your next holiday gathering – your guests will surely appreciate the effort!

Grandma's English Pudding

Grandma’s English Pudding Recipe

This recipe was handed down to my mother from my dad's mom. Grandma always served this at Christmas dinner.
Course Dessert
Cuisine English
Keyword < 4 Hours, Dessert, Inexpensive, Low Protein
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Calories 1187.3kcal


  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 lb suet
  • 1 cup raisins
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cinnamon


  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • water


  • Combine flour and salt and add enough water to make a firm dough. Role out dough and cover with fine chopped suet, raisins, sugar and cinnamon.
  • Roll up like a jelly roll, then role securely in cheese cloth and tie the ends with string.
  • Place in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 1 1/2 hours. Keep water well over the pudding.
  • Mix sauce ingredients and bring to a boil. Simmer to thickness desired and then take off range. Add vanilla or desired flavoring along with butter.
  • Slice pudding, spoon over sauce and serve hot.
  • NOTE: Ask you butcher or friendly meat department for suet.


Serving: 247g | Calories: 1187.3kcal | Carbohydrates: 168.1g | Protein: 8.6g | Fat: 55.3g | Saturated Fat: 30.5g | Cholesterol: 41.2mg | Sodium: 601.2mg | Fiber: 4.9g | Sugar: 105.1g

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